Translation of the song 失憶蝴蝶 artist Eason Chan

Chinese (Cantonese)


English translation

Amnesiac Butterfly

還沒有開始 才沒有終止 難忘未必永誌

No beginnings, and hence no endings; being hard to forget does not equal engraved forever

還沒有心事 才未算相知 難道值得介意

No sharing of secrets, and hence no understanding; why should all of it be worth caring?

言盡最好於此 留下什麼意思

Better let the words stop here; the meaning that has been left behind


Left us half a step short of a poem

還沒有驚艷 才沒有考驗 才未值得哄騙

No surprises, and hence no ordeals, and hence never worthy of deception

還沒有閃電 才沒有想念 才未互相看厭

No lightning, and hence no missing, and hence never growing tired of each other

還未化灰的臉 留在夢中演變

The face that hasn't fallen to ashes yet keeps morphing in the dreams


When we meet again, treat it as the first encounter


There has never been staying together, and hence no way to abandon

不用淪為伴侶 別尋是惹非

Didn't have to end up as a couple, so don't cause more trouble


Like at any time and leave at any time


Regretting like this is perhaps more perfect

從沒有相戀 才沒法依戀 無事值得抱怨

No loving, and hence no attachment; there is nothing to complain about

從沒有心願 才沒法許願 無謂望到永遠

No dreams, and hence no wishes; it is meaningless to look into forever

蝴蝶記憶很短 留下什麼恩怨

Butterflies have a short memory; whatever trespasses of the past


Are worthy of nothing but a laugh looking back, as if a lifetime has passed


There has never been staying together, and hence no way to abandon

不用淪為伴侶 別尋是惹非

Didn't have to end up as a couple, so don't cause more trouble


Like at any time and leave at any time


Regretting like this is perhaps more perfect


Just like a butterfly bonding with a flower, leaving no traces

親密維持十秒 又隨伴遠飛

After ten seconds of intimacy, it flies away with its companion


Finding joy when bored, and forgetting when occupied


Life is monotonous but we have played games


There has never been staying together, and hence no way to abandon

一直無仇沒怨 別尋是惹非

We haven't trespassed against each other, so don't cause more trouble


Like at any time and leave at any time


There is no need to remember, so how could one forget?

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