Translation of the song 淘汰 artist Eason Chan
我說了所有的謊 你全都相信
Every lie I have told, you have believed
簡單的我愛你 你卻老不信
But a simple I love you, is what you've never accepted
你書裡的劇情 我不想上演
The story in your book, I don't want it played out
因為我喜歡 喜劇收尾
Because I like happy endings
我試過完美放棄 的確很踏實
I have tried to give up perfectly, and it was relieving
醒來了夢散了 你我都走散了
(I) woke and the dream faded; you and I walked apart
情歌的詞何必押韻 就算我是K歌之王
Why should love songs rhyme? Even if I'm the king of karaoke1
也不見得把 愛情唱得完美
It doesn't seem that I have sung out love perfectly
只能說我輸了 也許是你怕了
It can only be said that I've lost; maybe you were afraid
我們的回憶沒有皺摺 你卻用離開燙下句點
Our memories have no wrinkles, but you have branded a full-stop down with your departure
只能說我認了 你的不安贏得你信任
It can only be said that I admit it, that your unease has earned your trust
and, in return, I've received your elimination of consolation