Translation of the song La playa (Remix) artist Myke Towers


La playa (Remix)

English translation

The beach

[Intro: Farruko & Maluma]

[Intro: Farruko & Maluma]

Laramercy gang

Laramercy gang

Alright, alright

Alright, alright

Full Harmony

Full harmony



(Maluma, baby)

(Maluma, baby)

(Welcome to the paradise)

(Welcome to the paradise)



La marea estaba bajando

The tide was going out

Y el sol yéndose, atardeciendo

And the sun was leaving, getting dark

Nadie nos estaba mirando

Nobody was watching us

Solo de testigo teníamo' al viento

Only the wind as a witness

[Coro: Myke Towers & Farruko]

[Chorus: Myke Towers & Farruko]

Yo te lo hice a ti en la playa, justo al frente de la orilla

I did it to you on the beach, right in front of the shore

Ella y yo no somo' nada, pero solo entre comilla'

There's nothing between her and me, but only in quotes

Ella e' mi nena, por debajo 'el agua o si no encima de la arena

She's my baby, if not below water, on the sand

Tú ere' mi sirena porque

You're my mermaid because

Yo se lo hice a ella en la playa, justo al frente de la orilla

I did it to you on the beach, right in front of the shore

Ella y yo no somo' nada, pero solo entre comilla'

There's nothing between her and me, but only in quotes

Ella e' mi galla, 'taba mojá' y le di pa' que se seque en mi toalla

She's my fighting rooster, was wet, and I let her dry on my towel

Y me dice que le encanta cuando le hago pri-yah-yah

And she tells me that she loves it when I do her 'pri-yah-yah'

[Verso 1: Farruko]

[Verse 1: Farruko]

Sábado y domingo pa'l Dash, le gustan lo' tigers con cash

Saturday and Sunday for Dash, she likes tigers with cash

Andaba de party, rulay con la' pana' (Celebrando su birthday bash)

Was partying, 'rulay with the pana' (Celebrating her birthday bash)

Quedamo' loco' quemando y bebiendo

We are crazy, burning and drinking

Ella estaba lucía' porque la estaba viendo (¡Farru!)

She was lucid because I was watching her (Farru!)

A to' volumen le puse Rebota

At full volume played 'Bounce'

Se ponía en cuatro y meneaba la nalgota

She used to put on four and wiggled the big butt

'Taba echa completa y tenía una' tetota'

was complete and had big tits

El bollo bien marca'o, del gistro se le brota

Sprouts the well marked bun from the bistro

Y ahí fue que yo me quite la pelá'

And that's when I took my bold one out

Allí la tiré pa'l agua y le hundí el Titanic

I threw her down water and sank her the Titanic

Ella me decía: Apriétame, daddy

She told me: 'Squeeze me, daddy'

(Se vino bien fuerte como Tsunami)

(She came so hard as a Tsunami)

[Puente: Myke Towers]

[Bridge: Myke Towers]

Usa bikini

Wear bikini

Le puse la' piernas como las puerta' de un Lamborghini

I put her legs like the doors of a Lamborghini

Le doy sin beanie

I give it to her without beanie

Y es que te quiero para mí, baby, believe me

I just want you for me, baby, believe me

Yo quiero que tú sea' la queen, no hablo de Ivy (No)

I want you to be the queen, I'm not talking about Ivy (No)

Usa bikini

Wear bikini

Le puse la' piernas como las puerta' de un Lamborghini, ey

I put her legs like the doors of a Lamborghini, hey

Le doy sin beanie-ie

I give it to her without beanie-ie

Y es que te quiero para mí, baby, believe me, ey

I just want you for me, baby, believe me, hey

Yo quiero que tú sea' la queen, no hablo de Ivy (No hablo de Ivy)

I want you to be the queen, I'm not talking about Ivy (Not talking about Ivy)

[Coro: Myke Towers & Maluma, Ambos]

[Chorus: Myke Towers & Maluma, Both]

Yo te lo hice a ti en la playa, justo al frente de la orilla

I did it to you on the beach, right in front of the shore

Ella y yo no somo' nada, pero solo entre comilla'

There's nothing between her and me, but only in quotes

Ella e' mi nena, por debajo 'el agua o si no encima de la arena

She's my baby, if not below water, on the sand

Tú eres mi sirena porque (Wah)

You're my mermaid because (Wah)

Yo te lo hice a ti en la playa, junto' al frente de la orilla

I did it to you on the beach, right in front of the shore

Ella y yo no somo' nada, pero solo entre comilla'

There's nothing between her and me, but only in quotes

Ella e' mi nena, por debajo 'el agua o si no encima de la arena

She's my baby, if not below water, on the sand

Eres mi sirena

You're my mermaid

[Verso 2: Maluma]

[Verse 2: Maluma]

(Maluma, baby)

(Maluma, baby)

Oh, mama

Oh mama

Quiero hacerte el amor al frente de la orillita

I want to make love to you in front of the shore

Pero por favor, no digas nada (Jeje)

But please, don't say anything (He,he)

Que yo tengo mi novia y tú tienes lo tuyo

That I have my girlfriend and you have your thing

Así que mejor quédate callada (Wuh)

So you better keep quiet (Wuh)

Te veo en el mismo lugar de siempre (Uh)

See you in the same place as always (Uh)

Ponte los pantycitos que me encienden (Yeh)

Put on the panties that gets me hot (Yeh)

A las 8 y 15 ready pa' comerte, ready pa' comerte (Wuh)

At 8:15 ready to eat you, ready to eat you (Wuh)

Poquito a poco (Uh)

Little by little (Uh)

Mírame a la cara mientras te toco (Tú sabe')

Look me in the face while I touch you (You know)

Yo sé que te gusta suave (Wuh)

I know you like it soft (Wuh)

También que me vuelvas loco (Muah)

Also that you drive me crazy (Muah)

Te tira' foto' en mi Ferrari (Wee)

You'll picture in my Ferrari (Wee)

Y no en el Corolla de él (No)

And not in his Corolla (No)

Conmigo si tú vas de party

With me if you go to party

Para tirar los billetes de cien (Wuh)

To throw the hundred bills (Wuh)

Si me pide un poco más, más yo le doy, doy (Jaja)

If you ask me for a little more, more I give, I give (Ha,ha)

En bote pa' las Bahamas y nos vamos hoy, hoy (Sí)

By boat to the Bahamas, and we leave today, today (Yes)

Pa' los nervio', baby, tranquila, prendemos algo

For the nerves, baby, calm down, we'll burn something

Pide por esa boquita, que yo te complazco

Ask for it with that little mouth, that I please you

[Verso 3: Myke Towers]

[Verse 3: Myke Towers]

Le puse las pierna' como las puerta' de un Lambo

I put the her legs like the doors of a Lambo

Y cuando yo le estoy dando, siempre acelerando

And when I'm giving it to her, always accelerating

Skrr-skrr, el novio se mudó pa' Orlando

Skrr-skrr, the boyfriend moved to Orlando

La tengo arrodillada y no e' por ti que ella está orando

I have her kneeling, and she's not praying for you

Le gusta janguear en lo' botes

Likes hanging out in the boats

Le gusta fumar y ponerse gotas pa' que la nota no se note

Likes to smoke and put on drops so the note is unnoticeable

Manda a la amiga a que la' compre

Send's her friend to buy it

Ella siempre anda en escote

She is always in cleavage

'Tá buena desde abajo al tope

She's hot from below to the top

Yo le pago al que la toque

I pay the one who touches her



[Coro: Farruko, Maluma, *Myke Towers*, Myke Towers & Farruko, Myke Towers & Maluma]

[Chorus: Farruko, Maluma, * Myke Towers *, Myke Towers & Farruko, Myke Towers & Maluma]

Yo se lo hice a ella en la playa, justo al frente de la orilla

I did it to you on the beach, right in front of the shore

Ella y yo no somo' nada, pero solo entre comilla'

There's nothing between her and me, but only in quotes

Ella e' mi nena, por debajo 'el agua o si no encima de la arena

She's my baby, if not below water, on the sand

Tú eres mi sirena, *ah*

You're my mermaid

[Outro: Farruko, Maluma & Myke Towers]

[Outro: Farruko, Maluma & Myke Towers]



Alright, alright, jaja

Alright, alright, haha

Young Kingz, Myke Towers

Young Kingz, Myke Towers

Maluma, baby, bebé

Maluma baby baby





This is the remix

This is the remix

(Ey, ey, ey)

(Hey Hey hey)

El Faraón

The Pharaoh

White House (Ey, ey)

White House (Hey, hey)

(Easy Money Baby)

(Easy Money Baby)

One World

One World

Full Harmony

Full Harmony

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