Translation of the song 너무 아파 (It Hurts So Much) artist Brave Girls
너무 아파 (It Hurts So Much)
It hurts too much
I’m sorry girl, I’m sorry
I’m sorry girl, I’m sorry
That’s all I can
That’s all I can
There’s nothing I can do
There’s nothing I can do
내가 뭘 잘못했니 날
Did I do something wrong?
만나 후회한다는 그 말
When you said you regret meeting me
내 맘이 너무 아프잖아
My heart was hurting so much
아무런 기약 없이 뒤돌아 떠나가는 너 그냥
Without any notice you turn around and leave
바라만 보며 서있는 난
And I just stand there looking at you
이해 할 수가 없어 왜 내가
I don’t understand
너를 그냥 보내야만 하는지
Why I have to just let you go
이해하지 말라는 니 말에
When you said to just take it in
눈물만 흘리고 있는 나
I just had flowing tears
너무 아파 너무
It hurts so much, it hurts so much
아파 아무리 울어도 눈물 속에 있는 너
No matter how much I cry, you’re still in my tears
너무 나빠 너무
So bad, you’re so bad
나빠 아무리 불러도 외면하고
No matter how much I call out to you
있는 너 (그런 너)
You turn away
(그래 봤자 달라질 건 없어)
(Nothing’s changed even if you do that)
우리 사랑 이미 깨져버린 유리 조각
Our love has already been broken like pieces of glass
아이스크림처럼 달콤했었지만 녹아
It was sweet like ice cream
돌이킬 수 없어
But it has melted and cannot return
But I ain’t casanova
But I ain’t casanova
너를 사랑했던 맘은 was real no doubt
My love for you was real no doubt
Blame me, 니 속이 풀어질 수 있다면 얼마든지
Blame me if that makes you feel better
As much as you want
보란 듯이 나보다 더 잘 나가는
I hope you will blatantly date a guy
남자 만나 행복하길 바래 that’s the life is
Better than me and be happy that’s the life is
이해 할 수가 없어 왜 내가
I don’t understand
너를 그냥 보내야만 하는지
Why I have to just let you go
이해하지 말라는 니 말에
When you said to just take it in
눈물만 흘리고 있는 나
I just had flowing tears
너무 아파 너무
It hurts so much, it hurts so much
아파 아무리 울어도 눈물 속에 있는 너
No matter how much I cry, you’re still in my tears
너무 나빠 너무
So bad, you’re so bad
나빠 아무리 불러도 외면하고
No matter how much I call out to you
있는 너 (그런 너)
You turn away
Love hurts, Love hurts
Love hurts, Love hurts
Love is not always great
Love is not always great
Sometimes love is painful like this
Sometimes love is painful like this
(Love hurts)
(Love hurts)
But I need to get over it
But I need to get over it
(Love hurts)
(Love hurts)
Time is gonna heal everything
Time is gonna heal everything
So let me go, Yessir
So let me go, Yessir