Translation of the song Civas artist Aca Lukas



English translation


Tri meseca sam trezan, ja sam uspeo to

I've been sober for three months, I've accomplished that

jer tri meseca te, mala, nisam video

Because I haven't seen you, girl for three months

punim plucima sad disem, kao beba cist

I'm now breathing with full lungs, I'm clean like a baby

okrenuo sam ja drugi list

I've turned the page

Otkud sada ta nervoza opet pocinje

Why is that nervousness starting again now

i taj bol sa leve strane me opominje

And that pain on my left side is reminding me

da bih mozda s tobom bio ponovo

That I'd maybe like to be with you again

da nije gotovo

That it's not over



Mesto tebe, nocas pasce

Instead of you, tonight

civas prvi, drugi, treci

The first, second, third glass of Chivas will fall

mesto tebi, sve sto boli

Instead of you, everything that hurts

starom drugu ja cu reci

I'll tell my old friend

Mesto tebe, on me gleda

Instead of you, he's looking at me

tebe stavljam mesto leda

I'm adding you to my glass instead of ice

kako mi je, civas zna

How I'm doing, only Chivas knows

civas, druze, volim te ja

Chivas, my friend I love you

Vec tri meseca sam trezan, ne znam sta mi bi

I've been sober for three months, I don't know what happened to me

da mi se iz cista mira opet desis ti

That you unexpectedly happen to me again

a taman mislio sam da me je proslo sve

And that just when I thought that I've gotten over everything

to ne zavisi od mene, zar ne

It doesn't depend on me, does it?

I, evo, otkud ta nervoza opet pocinje

And, well, why is that nervousness starting again

i taj bol sa leve strane me opominje

And that pain on my left side is reminding me

da bih mozda s tobom bio ponovo

That I'd maybe like to be with you again

da nije gotovo

That it's not over

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