Translation of the song Čudna žena beše Vera artist Aca Lukas


Čudna žena beše Vera

English translation

Vera was a wonderful woman

Mirna reko kuda tečeš

Quiet river, where are you flowing

kud odnosiš našu sreću

Where are you taking our happiness

prežaliti neću moći

I can't fight inside of me

njenu kosu, plave oči

Her hair, her blue eyes

Čudna žena beše Vera

Vera was a wonderful woman

sad je više ovde nema

She is not here anymore

sudbo moja kaži mi

My fate, tell me,

što nas mlade rastavi

Why did you do us apart, we were so young

Ti nestade kao sena

You dissappeared like a shadow

moje srce mira nema

I can't find peace in my heart

kud odose dani svi

Where did those days go

mirna reko kaži mi

Quiet river, tell me

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