Translation of the song Drugovi artist Aca Lukas



English translation


Ne zovi me

Don't call me

brate, orle ni tigre

brother, eagle or tiger.

jer ja znam sve te igre

Because I know all that games,

to su navike stare

that are old habits.

i ne zovi me care

And don't call me emperor.

Niti munja, ni grome

Neither thunder or lightning,

samo teraj po svome

just do it your way.

mene pusti na miru

Leave me in peace,

u mom' svemiru

in my universe.



Svi su moji drugovi

All my friends,

svoje snove prodali

sold their dreams.

svima gledao sam ledja

I've looked at their backs,

da li istina te vredja

does truth insults you?

Ti si isti kao svi

You're same as everyone else,

mangupi il' klosari

hooligan or a failure.

nemoj da ti bude zao

Don't be sorry,

sto sam sve unapred znao

because I knew it from beginning.

platis pre ili kasnije

You pay all, sooner or later.

Ne zovi me s tobom nikad na pice

Never call me to a drink with you,

meni dosta je price

I had enough talk.

sve sam prosao davno

I went through that long ago,

sada sve mi je ravno

and now I don't care.

Zivot ume da vara

Life can be deceiving,

zivot kurva je stara

life is an old bitch.

a i ljubav u njemu

And love within him,

samo prevara

is just a lie.

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