Nisam ja tvoja igracka
I'm not your toy,
mali glupi pas
your little stupid dog,
sto ga kupis na oglas
which you can buy from an advertisement.
osecas zar ne
you feel it, don't you?
on se ne skida vodom
It can't be neutralised with water,
on se skida slobodom
but can be with freedom.
Gotovo, gotovo
It's over, it's over
evo obraz, udari me
slap my cheek.
gotovo, gotovo
It's over, it's over
idi negde, prevari me
go somewhere else, to cheat on me.
gotovo, gubi se
It's over, get lost
ja u nju zaljubio sam se
I felt in love with her.
Gotovo, gotovo
It's over, it's over
evo obraz, evo drugi
here's cheek, here's another one.
gotovo, gotovo
It's over, it's over
nocas tvoja ljubav gubi
tonight your love will lost a battle.
gotovo, gubi se
It's over, it's over
ja u nju zaljubio sam se
I felt in love with her.
sad mozes, mozes da places
Now you can, you can cry.
Nudis mir
You're offering me peace,
stari, dobri mir
old, good peace.
al' sablju drzim ja
But I'm holding a saber,
da sve vec jednom presecem
to cut out everything, once for all.
Kakva je
What is she like,
pitas kakva je
you ask, what is she like.
ne zelis ti taj odgovor
You don't want that answer.
ne gnjavi, vidis da krecem
don't bother me, I'm leaving.