Translation of the song Istina je da te lažem artist Aca Lukas


Istina je da te lažem

English translation

It's true that I'm lying to you

Subota je, pijem sam

It's Saturday, I'm drinking alone

u kafani ceo dan

in the cafe all day

kiselu vodu, kiselu vodu

a sparkling water, a sparkling water

kad od nekud evo ti

and suddenly you appear

Bože hteli bi te svi

oh God, everyone wants you

ideš pravo za moj stol

you're going straight to my table

pitaš je li slobodno

and ask me 'is this seat taken?'

Samom sebi kažem ja

But I tell myself... *

a ti lepa ko iz sna

but you're very beautiful

pored mene sediš tu

you're sitting next to me

a ja pijem samo nju

but I only drink

kiselu vodu, kiselu vodu

a sparkling water, a sparkling water

a ti me gledaš ko značajno

but you're looking significately at me

Pitaš jasno ko dan

You ask me, as clear as day

hoćemo li u stan

'shall we go to my apartment

ili u auto moj

or to my car?'

mene obliva znoj

I'm breaking a sweat

ti bi hotel zar ne

you'd like to got to a hotel, right

ili motel zar ne

or a motel, right

voleo bih te, razbio bih te

I'd love you, I'd break you

Ali ja pijem ceo dan

But all day long I drink

kiselu vodu, kiselu vodu

a sparkling water, a sparkling water

nisam loš, nisam žao

I'm not bad, I'm not malicious

ali sebe mi je žao

but I feel bad for myself

koji hotel koji stan

what hotel, what apartment?

Gde ću sada s tobom ja

Where should I go with you now

šta ću sada s tobom ja

what shall I do with you now

kad je sve na meni lažno

when everything about me is false

dok se lice pravi važno

while my face is pretending to look snobbish

i ovaj Rolex je fals

even this Rolex is fake

i moja priča da sam bogat

and my story that I'm ric

sve je fol

it's all a lie

A ti misliš volim nju

But you think I only love

volim ovu otmenu

that I love this facy

kiselu vodu, kiselu vodu

sparkling water, sparkling water

a ja volim Viski

but I love Whiskey

i rado ga se sećam

and fondly think of it

Kad bi znala ko sam ja...(4x)

If you knew who I am...*



Ne prilazi, ne prilazi

Don't approach me, don't approach me

sa mnom u noć ne odlazi

don't leave with me at night

ni kelneri ni devojke

nor waiters, nor girls

ne vole takve momke

love guys like me

nije ovo stol za dvoje

this isn't a table for two

sklonište je ovo moje

this is my shelter

zato se okreni i ne prilazi

therefor turn around and don't approach me

Tri na karte uvek dodam

I always exaggerate**

kada hoću da se prodam

when I want to sell myself

kradena su moja kola

I drive a stolen car

sobu delim pola, pola

I share my room with a roommate

ne lažem te kad ti kažem

I'm not lying to you when I tell you

istina je da te lažem

it's true that I'm lying to you

Kad bi znala ko sam ja

If you knew who I am

da su džepovi mi prazni

that my pockets are empty

da me jure ljudi razni

that various people are after me

i da samo čekam bruku

and that scandal follows me

i sebe mi je žao i tebe mi je žao

and I feel sorry for myself and for you

Pitaš jasno ko dan

You ask me, as clear as day

da li idemo u stan

'shall we go to my apartment

ili u auto moj

or to my car?'

mene obliva znoj

I'm breaking a sweat

ti bi neki hotel

you'd like to go to some hotel

sa vodenim krevetom

with a waterbed

koji hotel, koji stan

what hotel, what apartment?

Ama gde ću s tobom ja

Look, where should I go with you now

kad je sve na meni lažno

when everything about me is false

dok se lice pravi važno

while my face is pretending to look snobbish

i Rolex je fals i maska je sve

even this Rolex is fake and everything's a masquerade

ja bih te voleo, ja bih te razbio

I'd love you, I'd break you

ali ja pijem ko za sram kiselu vodu

but I drink a sparkling water like I'm ashamed

kad bi znala ko sam ja

If you knew who I am*

ubila bi se, ubila bi se

you'd kill yourself, you'd kill yourself*

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