Translation of the song Ljubav u doba kokaina artist Aca Lukas


Ljubav u doba kokaina

English translation

Love in cocaine era

Skidao si zvezde s neba

You have taken his star from the sky

dok me nisi osvojio,

While I didn't win

a kada si mene skinuo

And when you took me off

brzo si se zasitio.

You quickly become tired

Kad poludim od ljubavi

When we are mad from love

put do cilja tad ne biram,

We didn't choose the road that we aim

imam samo jednu manu

I have the one and only flaw

ja sve brzo izguštiram

I'm quickly grow weary

Ti si bila samo nova

You were only some new

igračka u mojoj ruci.

toy in my hands

Dodirni me bar još jednom

Touch me even once

il' me miluj ili tuci.

either fight me or caress me

Dodirni me bar još jednom-

touch me even once

Refren x2

Chorus x2

Ne voliš me

You do not love me

to boli me

It hurts me

boli i od smrti jače,

Even stronger than pain of death

živog sam te oplakala.

I'm mourning for the living

Ko će tebe da oplače

And who will mourn for you

Smej se, likuj dok me gledaš

Lough and rejoice while looking at me

kako klečim , kako molim,

How i kneeling and begging in despair

za tebe se, skote jedan,

for you the one and only bitch

ko za vazduh sada borim.

Now we are fighting for the air

A muškarac voli kučku,

A man that loves a bitch

za njom trči, zbog nje pije.

Runs after her because she drinks

od devojke što je dobra

runs from the good girls

nema ništa dosadnije.

There is nothing that's more boring

Ti si bila samo nova

You were only some new

igračka u mojoj ruci.

toy in my hands

Dodirni me bar još jednom

Touch me even once

il' me miluj ili tuci.

either fight me or caress me

Dodirni me bar još jednom.

Touch me even once

Refren x2

Chorus x2

Za tobom ću i u pakao

I will follow you to hell

da te pitam šta sam kriva.

To ask you why am I wrong

Od kada te više nema

And when you are no more

disem al' nisam živa

I'm breathing , but I'm not alive

Ja sam samo bivši čovek,

I'm just a man who was

na mermeru lepa slika.

A pretty image on the marble

Plivaj nazad ka obali,

Swim back to shore and then

ne spasavaj davljenika

Don't save a drawning man

Ti si bila samo nova

You were only some new

igračka u mojoj ruci.

toy in my hands

Dodirni me bar još jednom,

Touch me even once

il' me miluj ili tuci.

either fight me or caress me

Dodirni me bar još jednom.

Touch me even once

Refren x2

Chorus x2

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