Translation of the song Miris Tamjana artist Aca Lukas


Miris Tamjana

English translation

Smell of incense

Sve sam ti dao

I gave you everything

u ovom svetu stradanja

In this world suffering

sve sam ti dao i prosjak post'o

I gave you everything and became a beggar

pijanac bez nadanja

drunk with no hope

sve sam ti dao

I gave you everything

i prosjak post'o

and became a beggar

pijanac bez nadanja

drunk with no hope



Poljem se širi miris tamjana

Smell of incense spreading across the field

miriše cveće ko moja dragana

Flowers smell like my dear

a male laste s juga dolaze

and a small swallows are comming from the south

ko da mi tvoju ljubav donose

Like they are bringing your love to me

U ovom gradu ja nemam nikoga

In this city I have no one

umreću dušo ako si njegova

I will die, my dear, If you are his

neka te prate stotine tambura

may the hundreds of tamburitzas follow you

umreću dušo na tvojim rukama

I will die, my dear, on your arms

Ja ništa neću što sam

I don't want the things

ti dao od srca

that I gave you from my heart

ja ništa neću jer ne znam

I don't want anything because I don't know

da li si žena il' svetica

are you a woman or a saint

ja ništa neću jer ne znam

I don't want anything because I don't know

dali si žena il' svetica

are you a woman or a saint



U ovom gradu ja nemam nikoga

In this city I have no one

umreću dušo ako si njegova

I will die, my dear, If you are his

neka te prate stotine tambura

may the hundreds of tamburitzas follow you

umreću dušo na tvojim rukama

I will die, my dear, on your arms

umreću dušo na tvojim rukama

I will die, my dear, on your arms

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