Translation of the song MOJ ZIVOT artist Aca Lukas



English translation

My life

Sa vaše strane još se bolje vidi

You can see even better from your side

Sa vaše strane još se bolje čuje

You can hear even better from your side

Sve ono čega normalan se stidi

Everything that a normal person would be shamed of

Sve ono što ne dolikuje

Everything that isn't proper

Sa vaše strane često sam i dobar

I am often good from your side

Kada se peva i kad se luduje

When there's singing and when there's partying

A kad od svega probudim se modar

But when I wake up bruised because of it all

Nikog nema da sa mnom tuguje

There's no one to be sad with me



Moj život velika je stvar

My life is a grand thing

Svima osim meni 2x

To everyone except me 2x

A je se trudim da otklonim mu kvar

And I do try to remove it's malfunction

Pa ne odolim baš ni jednoj ženi

Still I can't resist a single woman

A bivša ko bivša još uvek je tu

And my ex as expected is still there

Svakog novog dana mozak mi maltretira

Every new day she harasses my brain

Ne odmara ona čak ni u mom snu

She has no rest, not even in my dreams

Pa i ovog jutra činjenice servira

So she's serving facts this morning as well

Da još sam njeeeeen 2x

That I'm still hers 2x

I kada misle da još sam na tronu

And when they are thinking I'm still on the throne

I kada misle da nisam u bolu

And when they think I'm not in pain

Tek onda krenem da se sebi vratim

Only then do I begin to return to myself

Na svoju štetu sve muke da skratim

To get rid of all the torment, at my expense

I kada shvatim da su moji znanci

And when I realize that my acquaintances

Do juče braća a već sutra stranci

That were up until yesterday brothers and from tomorrow strangers

Tek onda vidim da me nigde nema

Only then do I see that I'm no where

Bežim od jednog do drugog problema

I'm running from one problem to another

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