Translation of the song Vertendo Lágrimas artist Carlos Galhardo


Vertendo Lágrimas

English translation

Shedding Tears

Chorando, vertendo lágrimas

Crying, shedding tears

Vai suavizando a tua dor

Your pain is being smoothed

E assim neste teu recanto

And, in this way, in this nook of yours

Entre espinhos entre prantos

Between spikes and weepings

Lembrarás o nosso amor.

You will remember our love.

Eu hei de te fazer chorar

I am going to make you cry

Para nunca mais

So that ever again

De novo me enganar

You will fool me no more

Hás de reconhecer a verdade:

You are going to to recognize the truth:

Tu não deves mais zombar

You shall not mock anymore

De um amor com lealdade

A love that has loyalty.

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