Translation of the song Ljuljaj me nezno artist Jelena Tomašević


Ljuljaj me nezno

English translation

Rock Me Gently

Ja sam tu i nisam neko čudo

I am here and I am not a wonder

Ti si tu i bilo bi nam ludo

You are here and we would have a blast

A ljubav je naša vrela

And our love is hot

I ne zna šta je led

And it doesn't know what ice is

Mi hladimo ledom čela

We are cooling our foreheads with ice

I jedemo samo med

And we only eat honey

Ispijena i umorna

Exhausted and tired

Pred tobom sad stojim

I am standing before you now

I dok ti blistaš

And while you are glowing

Ja se bojim, bojim

I am scared, scared

Ljuljaj me nežno

Rock me gently

Ljuljaj me fino, polako

Rock me gently, slowly

Ljuljaj me nežno

Rock me gently

Ti znaš da je bolje tako

You know it is better that way

Ljuljaj me sasvim polako

Rock me completely gently

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