Translation of the song Ovo nije ljubav artist Jelena Tomašević


Ovo nije ljubav

English translation

This is not love

Ovo nije ljubav koju sam sanjala

This is not the love that I have dreamt of

baca me u stranu, vuče me do samog dna

it pushes me away and pulls me to the bottom,

i uvek kada tebe poželim

and every time I want to see you

samo sebi naudim

I only hurt myself.

Ne, ovo nije ljubav kakvu sam želela

No, this is not the love I wished for,

od sebe sve sam dala a ništa nisam dobila

I gave everything and I got nothing

na kraju kad se svetlost prolije

and in the end when everything spills out

istina se otkrije…

the truth always revealed…

U meni još tuge ima previše

There is still too much sadness in me

dovoljan broj da znam da nisi moj

the number is big enough to know that you aren’t mine anymore,

trebaće vreme da se izbriše

it will take time to erase

sa srca svaki dodir tvoj

every single one of your blemishes off of my heart.

Već sam popila bezbroj puta čašu punu razočarenja

I've already drank countless of glasses full of disappointment,

prešla preko svake granice

I crossed every border.

to me muči, moram napolje

That troubles me, I have to get out.

Moram prestati da te volim

I have to stop loving you

i bilo bi uzalud još da se borim

all the efforts would be lost to fight against it

kasno je za nas…

it’s too late for us…

U meni još tuge ima previše

There is still too much sadness in me

dovoljan broj da znam da nisi moj

the number is big enough to know that you aren’t mine anymore,

trebaće vreme da se izbriše

it will take time to erase

sa srca svaki dodir tvoj

every single one of your blemishes off of my heart.

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