Translation of the song 冬景色 artist 文部省唱歌
The winter scenery
さ霧消ゆる 湊江(みなとえ)の
The thin fog's clearing in the harbor bay
舟に白し 朝の霜
The morning frost stains the whole boat white
ただ水鳥の 声はして
Only the voices of the sea birds sounds
今だ覚めず 岸の家
People don’t awake yet in the seaside
烏(からす)鳴きて 木に高く
The craws are cawing high on the tree
人は畑に 麦を踏む
They are trampling the wheat shoots in the field
げに小春日の のどけしや
It’s a surely the calm 'nd like spring day
かえり咲きの 花も見ゆ
There’re the flowers blooming out time
嵐吹きて 雲は落ち
The winds of winter storm blow and the clouds fall
時雨(しぐれ)降りて 日は暮れぬ
The sudden rain fall and the sun's setting down
もし灯火の 漏れ来ずば
If no room lights leak from the houses
それと分かじ 野辺(のべ)の里
The village by the field won't never be found