Translation of the song Coisa Boa artist Gloria Groove


Coisa Boa

English translation

Good Thing

Convoquei as amiguinhas

I have summoned my girls

E tu sabe que ela vem

And you know they are going to come

Vem da base, vem do vale

They come from the base, from the valley

Deixa disso e vem também

Cut it out and come along

Sabe que a cachorrada

You know the whole team

Tá fechada com a gente

Are solid

Não dá pra ficar parada

It's hard to keep on standing still

Nesse beat envolvente

On this catchy beat

Tá pronta pra pista?

Are you ready to jump on the dance floor?

Se joga na vida

Enjoy your life

Quer papo de ousadia?

Do you want a bold talk?

Ai, que coisa boa!

Ah, what a good thing!

Mundo se acabando

The world's going off the rails

E a gente manda nessa porra

And we are running this whole shit

Se mexer comigo

If you mess with me

Vai mexer com a tropa toda

You're gonna mess with the entire troop

Tamo preparada

We are all ready

Pode vir que é coisa boa

You can come because it sounds too good



Ai, que coisa boa!

Ah, what a good thing!

Mundo se acabando

The world's going off the rails

E a gente manda nessa porra

And we are running this whole shit

Se mexer comigo

If you mess with me

Vai mexer com a tropa toda

You're gonna mess with the entire troop

Tamo preparada

We are all ready

Pode vir que é coisa boa

You can come because it sounds too good



A tropa é pesada, vira a madrugada

This army is hard-core, we'll move at dawn

Passando a visão do bailão na quebrada

Showing 'em how to do it in block party

Ela pira, ela arrasta, joga na cara

She goes wild, she drags it, rub it in your face

Arrebita no beat, arrebata os canalhas

Dance to the beat, put that shitheads down

Ela é zika, é a brisa

She's a bombshell, she's breeze

Tipo festa em Ibiza

Like a party in Ibiza

Sem limite, no meu Visa

Limitless, put it on my Visa

Pesadona tipo IZA

Heavy sound just like IZA

Consumida em qualquer esquina

It's heard on every corner

É a dona do quartel da rima

Owner of the rhyme cartel

Ela chega mudando o clima

She comes changing the mood

Ela sabe jogar, fina

She knows how to do it, fancy

Tu achou que nós ia sumir

You thought we were going to leave

Achou que nós não ia nem vir

Thought we weren't even come

O mundo se acabando, nós tumultuando

The world's going off the rails and we making a lot of noise

Mandando em tudo por aqui

We're changing everything around

E ó

Check it out

Tá pronta pra pista?

Are you ready to jump on the dance floor?

Se joga na vida

Enjoy your life

Quer papo de ousadia?

Do you want a bold talk?

Ai, que coisa boa!

Ah, what a good thing!

Mundo se acabando

The world's going off the rails

E a gente manda nessa porra

And we are running this whole shit

Se mexer comigo

If you mess with me

Vai mexer com a tropa toda

You're gonna mess with the entire troop

Tamo preparada

We are all ready

Pode vir que é coisa boa

You can come because it sounds too good



Ai, que coisa boa!

Ah, what a good thing!

Mundo se acabando

The world's going off the rails

E a gente manda nessa porra

And we are running this whole shit

Se mexer comigo

If you mess with me

Vai mexer com a tropa toda

You're gonna mess with the entire troop

Tamo preparada

We are all ready

Pode vir que é coisa boa

You can come because it sounds too good



Que coisa boa!

What a good thing!

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