Translation of the song Ti si pjesma moje duše artist Mišo Kovač


Ti si pjesma moje duše

English translation

You're My Soul's Song

Mate Mišo Kovač - Ti si pjesma moje duše


Opet sreću nismo našli

Again we didn't find happiness.

od nas dvoje kom' je teže

Who's had it harder of the two of us?

sada samo kraj se sluti

Now there is only a feeling of an ending

ipak još nas nešto veže

But, there is still a bond between us.

I kad zadnji brod nam ode

And when our last ship leaves

kad nas izda samo glas

When only the voice leaves us

ti ćeš znati, ti ćeš znati

You'll know, you'll know

da u tebi tražim spas

That I look for salvation in you.



Ti si pjesma moje duše

You're my soul's song

ti si bol u srcu mom

You're my heart's pain

nemoj da ti tuge sruše

Don't let the sorrows break

onaj sjaj u oku tvom

That glow in your eye

Ti si pjesma moje duše

You're my soul's song

ti si želja moga sna

You're my dream's desire

i ne mogu još da shvatim

And I still can't comprehend

da bez tebe moram ja

That I must go on without you

Opet lažem samog sebe

I lie to myself again

ne dam želji da se gubi

I won't let the wish to be lost

ovo ludo srce sanja

This crazy heart dreams

da se pokraj tebe budi

Waking up beside you.



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