Translation of the song Timing~タイミング~ artist BLACK BISCUITS



English translation



Suddenly their attitude got cold,


and they will turn their face away from me.


Why? Why? Why? What's wrong with me?


No matter how good things are,


if you're at wrong time,


sometimes gets my nerve.

それがなぜか 君が喋り出すと

I don't know why it is but, when you start talking,

イヤな空気(ムード) すっかり変えてしまうから…

you will completely change the bad atmosphere.

ズレた間のワルさも それも君の”タイミング”

Even you are out of tune, that will become your timing.

僕のココロ和ます なんてフシギなチカラ

You can soothe and give me peace of mind. What a wonderful power.

妙にセコセコ生きて 楽しくなくて 昨日と同じで

I'm working oddly hard, and I'm not having fun, just like yesterday.

君と出会う前まで キモチ張りつめ 折れそうだったよ

Before I met you, I was so uptight, I thought I was going to die.

小さなこと いちいちムカついて

I'm so annoyed by every little thing

笑い方も なんだか忘れてしまってた

and I've forgotten how to smile.

ヒトも街も宇宙も まわれまわるタイミング”

People, city and the universe, roll, roll and roll over, timing.


If you adapt yourself too much to the other,


that will only make you feel painful.

たまに間のワルさも 大事なんだね”タイミング”

Sometimes the bad timing is also necessary, timing.

君と僕のシアワセ 笑いながらいこう

Let's laugh at the happiness of you and me.

誰もみんな 君のようならいい

I wish everyone could be like you,

争いまで きっとなくなったりするでしょう

and then, I'm sure there will be no more conflict.

ヒトも街も宇宙も まわれまわるタイミング”

People, city and the universe, turn, turn and turn over, timing.


If you adapt yourself too much,


that will only make you feel painful.

たまに間のワルさも 大事なんだね”タイミング”

Sometimes the bad timing is also necessary, timing.

君と僕のシアワセ 笑いながらいこう

Let's laugh at the happiness of you and me.

ズレた間のワルさも それも君の”タイミング”

Even you are out of tune, that will become your timing.


You can soothe and give me peace of mind.


What a wonderful power.

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