Translation of the song 10 dkg tresky artist Elán


10 dkg tresky

English translation

10 decagrams of haddock

Išiel som robiť,

I went to work

na stavbu železníc,

on the building of railways

dostal som lopatu,

I got the paddle

mám stále hlad.

I have still hunger

Čakám na desiatu,

I wait for snack

keď pôjdem do Ryby,

when I'll go to Fish

kúpim si svoj,

I'll buy my

obľúbený šalát.

favourite salad.



Desať deko tresky,

10 decagrams of haddock

a k tomu pivo dám si,

and the beer grant with it

desať deko tresky,

10 decagrams of haddock

a k tomu pivo dám si.

and the beer grant with it

Stojím pri pulte,

I'm standing by board

čakám predavačku,

I'm waiting for saleswoman

o chvíľu príde,

she goes after a while

položí mi otázku,

she takes me the question

Vraj čože si dám,

What will I grant

ona to nevie,

she doesn't know it?

veď každý z nás,

however everyone of us

má tak rád ten šalát.

likes that salad so much.

R: - 4x

Ch: - 4x

Tiz deka ??? szalat.

10 decagrams ??? salad. 1

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