Translation of the song Bosorka artist Elán



English translation


Má všade jemnučké chĺpky jak broskyňa

She has tenous fuzz like peach everywhere

Chcem po nich prstami na zajtra spomínať

I want to reminisce of tomorrow on them with fingers

Aj keď sa stretneme pozeráš do zeme

Even if we meet up, you look to ground (down)

Vždy si to tajomstvo očami povieme

We always say the secret with our eyes (to each other)

Očami povieme

Say with eyes

Očami povieme

Say with eyes

(modulácia do Ddur)

(modulation to Ddur)

Teba raz pristihnú, usvedčia, odhalia

They will catch you one day, confute, unveil

Vyhlásia za svätú alebo upália

Proclaim to saint or scorch

Ty si tá bosorka z krajiny Marlboro

You are that witch from the country Malboro*

Ktorá sa ukrýva v rockových kláštoroch

Which is hidding in rock convents

V rockových kláštoroch

In rock convents

V rockových kláštoroch

In rock convents

Prečo si mi utiekla?

Why did you run away from me?

Prečo sa mi skrývaš?

Why do you hide from me?

Stále sa mi miluje Že sa s tebou snívam

I always love that I'm dreaming with you**

Ani sme sa nehľadali a predsa sme sa našli

We haven't been even searching for each other, but we found each other

Ani sme to netušili a boli sme jasný

We didn't even guess this and we were clear

V pivárni sa pilo málo dal som si tri pivá

In brewery has been drinking a little, I took 3 beers

V noci sa mi milovalo, že sa s tebou snívam

In the night was loving me, that I'm dreaming with you**

Prečo si mi utiekla?

Why did you run away from me?

Prečo sa mi skrývaš?

Why do you hide from me?

Stále sa mi miluje

I always love

Že sa s tebou snívam

that I'm dreaming with you**

Prečo si ma uriekla?

Why did you transmorgify me?

V noci sa odkrývam

I uncover in night

Stále sa mi miluje

I always love

Že sa s tebou snívam

that I'm dreaming with you**

Teba raz pristihnú, usvedčia, odhalia

They will catch you one day, confute, unveil

Vyhlásia za svätú alebo upália

Proclaim to saint or scorch

Pre mňa to bude už bohužial neskoro

For me it will be, unfortunately, too late

Ooou bohužial neskoro

Oooh unfortunately, too late

Ooou bohužial neskoro

Oooh unfortunately, too late

Ooou milovať bosorku

Oooh to love the witch

Ooou v rockových kláštoroch

Oooh in rock convents

Prečo si mi utiekla?

Why did you run away from me?

Prečo sa mi skrývaš?

Why do you hide from me?

Stále sa mi miluje

I always love

Že sa s tebou snívam

that I'm dreaming with you**

Prečo si ma uriekla?

Why did you transmorgify me?

V noci sa odkrývam

I uncover in night

Stále sa mi miluje

I always love

Že sa s tebou snívam

that I'm dreaming with you**

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