Translation of the song Čaba neblázni artist Elán


Čaba neblázni

English translation

Caba, don't be crazy!

Pred polnočným barom nemá nikto nárok.

In front of midnight's pub, no one has the right

Čaba vyhadzovač ignoruje Slovač.

Caba, chucker-out, ignors Slovaks.

Záleží len na ňom, koho ešte vpustí. Môžte doňho hustiť maďarsky aj rusky.

Depends just on him, who he will allow in. You can talk to him in Hungarian or Russian.

Chcem vytiahnuť eso z poznačených kariet.

I want to pull out ace from marked cards.

Zabudol som kde som. V Bratislave, starec !

I forgot where I am. In Bratislava*, old man!

Chlapci prišli na to, soľ nie je nad zlato.

Guys found out, salt isn't more than gold.

Dávno som to zistil všade sú tí istí.

I found it out long ago, everywhere are the same (people)

jé hej, hej,hej

yeah hey, hey, hey

® Stáli sme tam asi štrnásť dní

Ch: We were standing there like a 14 days

Kričali sme naňho: Čaba neblázni; hej,hej

We shouted to him: Caba, don't be crazy; hey, hey

Stáli sme tam asi štrnásť Dní.

We were standing there like a 14 days.

Skúšali to hrozbami aj peniazmi.

We were trying that with threats and also with money

Čaba,neblázni ! Čaba, neblázni

Caba, don't be crazy! Caba, don't be crazy

Čaba, Čaba, Čaba, Čaba, neblázni !

Caba, Caba, Caba, Caba, don't be crazy!

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