Translation of the song Cigary idú do neba artist Elán


Cigary idú do neba

English translation

Cigars go to heaven

1) Kubánska cigara, žiariaca, temná

1) Cuban cigar, brighting, dark,

Voňavá priateľka, silná a jemná

Sweet girlfriend, strong and gentle

Kráľovná večera určená pre mňa

The queen of night, intended for me

Šúlaná na čiernych a dlhých stehnách

Rolled on black and long things

2) Všetky sú rovnaké, každá je iná

2) All of them are the same, everyone is different

Cohiba, Partagas, hodvábna slina

Cohiba, Partagas, silk saliva

Spoločne stúpame po schodoch z dymu

We're going up together on the stairs of smoke

Do pekla do raja tam kde nás príjmu

To the hell, to the paradise, where they are gonna accept us

R1: Vždy keď dohára

Ch1: Everytime when it burns down

skvelá cigara

great cigar


I pay

Je to malý pohreb

It's a small funeral

Človeku je smutno

Person feel sad

Za tým

for that time

Keď mu bolo dobre

when he felt good



R2: Je nenormálna pohoda

Ch2: It's incredible contentment

Cigary idú do neba

Gigars go to heaven

Raz prídeme tam za nimi

Once we're gonna come for them

Našťastie ešte netreba

Fortunalely, there's no need yet

Je nenormálna pohoda

It's incredible contentment

Cigary idú do neba...

Gigars go to heaven...

Je nenormálna pohoda

It's incredible contentment

Cigary idú do neba...

Gigars go to heaven...









Je nenormálna pohoda

It's incredible contentment

Cigary idú do neba...

Gigars go to heaven...

Cigary idú do neba...

Gigars go to heaven...

Cigary idú do neba...

Gigars go to heaven...



Je nenormálna pohoda

It's incredible contentment

Cigary idú do neba...

Gigars go to heaven...

Je nenormálna pohoda

It's incredible contentment

Cigary idú do neba...

Gigars go to heaven...



Je nenormálna pohoda

It's incredible contentment

Cigary idú do neba...

Gigars go to heaven...

Cigary idú do neba...

Gigars go to heaven...

Cigary idú do neba...

Gigars go to heaven...

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