Minule mi povedala jedna milá pani
The other day this kind lady told me
Jožo, mne sa zdá, že ty si ani, ani, ani
Jožo, it appears to me, that you're neither, nor, nor
Musíš vedie?, kde máš miesto, musíš niekam patri?
You've got to know where your place is, you've got to belong somewhere
Nemôžeš sa takto mota? a tára? dve na tri
You can't just loiter and prattle on like this
Lenže pani, mne sa moja fotka hrozne páči
But Miss, I really like the photograph of me
Pre život mi trochu srandy dokonale stačí
For my life, a bit of fun is perfectly enough
Usmejte sa, uvoľnite a nekrú?te nosom
Smile, loosen up, and don't turn your nose up
Prezradím vám niečo o tom kde som, kto som, čo som
I'll reveal something about where I am, who I am, what I am
Ona vraví: počkaj ešte, najprv pusti hudbu
She says: wait a second, first turn on the music
Možno, že máš plošticu v tej malej soche Budhu
Perhaps you have a bug in that small statue of Buddha
Ja jej na to: nebojte sa, vo mne majú jasno
So I tell her: don't worry, they know what's in me
Tam kde oni šepkajú, ja kričím hrozne hlasno
Where they whisper, I yell extremely loud
Mením veci po svojom, mám všemocného strýka
I change things as I want them, I have an all-powerful uncle
Politika je len pre tých, ktorých sa to týka
Politics is only for whom it concerns.
Pre istotu ale aj tak pridám trochu basy
But just to be sure I'll turn up the base,
K tomu kravák, nech nám zvoní na veselšie časy
With that, cowbell, may it ring for happier times
Hey, hey zlato pôjdeme do NATO
Hey, Hey, Darling we'll enter NATO
Budeme sa bavi? ako Bonnie and Clyde
We'll have fun like Bonnie and Clyde
Hey, hey zlato máme predsa na to
Hey, Hey, Darling we simply can afford it
Všetko bude tutti, všetko bude all right
Everything will be grand, everything will be all-right
Minule mi povedala jedna milá pani
The other day this kind lady told me
Jožo, mne sa zdá, že ty si ani, ani, ani
Jožo, it appears to me, that you're neither, nor, nor
Musíš vedie?, kde máš miesto, musíš niekam patri?
You've got to know where your place is, you've got to belong somewhere
Nemôžeš sa takto mota? a tára? dve na tri
You can't just loiter and prattle on like this
Lenže pani, mne sa moja fotka hrozne páči
But, Miss, I really like the photograph of me
Pre život mi trochu srandy dokonale stačí
For my life, a bit of fun is perfectly enough
Usmejte sa, uvoľnite a nekrú?te nosom
Smile, loosen up, and don't turn your nose up
Prezradím vám niečo o tom kde som, kto som, čo som
I'll reveal something about where I am, who I am, what I am
Hey, hey zlato pôjdeme do NATO
Hey, Hey, Darling we'll enter NATO
Kúpime si samopaly, bude nám fajn
We'll gonna buy machine guns, we'll be well
Hey, hey zlato - máme predsa na to
Hey, Hey, Darling we simply can afford it
Kúpime si starý Phantom - Ordnung muss sein
We'll buy old Phantom - There must be order
Som hlas nášho ľudu
I'm the voice of our people
Som synonym údu
I'm the synonym of member
Som obhájca pudu
I'm an advocate for the urge
A majster woo doo
and a woo-doo master
Som čistá rieka
I'm a clear river
Som krv, čo strieka
I'm the blood that squirts
Som škuľavý faun
I'm a cross-eyed libertine
Som skrátka váš guľový klaun
In short I'm yours, ball clown
Viete pani, mne sa moja fotka hrozne páči
But Miss, I really like the photograph of me
Pre život mi trochu srandy dokonale stačí
For my life, a bit of fun is perfectly enough
Usmejte sa, uvoľnite a nekrú?te nosom
Smile, loosen up, and don't turn your nose up
Prezradím vám niečo o tom kde som, kto som, čo som
I'll reveal something about where I am, who I am, what I am
Hey, hey zlato pôjdeme do NATO
Hey, Hey, Darling we'll enter NATO
Budeme sa bavi? ako Bonnie and Clyde
We'll have fun like Bonnie and Clyde
Hey, hey zlato máme predsa na to
Hey, Hey, Darling we simply can afford it
Všetko bude super, mega, tutti, all right
Everything will be great, hyper, grand, all-right
Som jasná facka
I'm a clean slap
Som Joe Mc Placka
I'm Joe McDoughnut
Som básnik špina
I'm a poet-scum
A vaša vina
and your fault
Som prietrž mračien
I'm a thunderstorm
Som vodca hračiek
I'm the toys' leader
Don't let me down
Don't let me down
Som skrátka váš guľový klaun
In short I'm yours, ball clown
Hej, hej zlato pôjdeme do NATO
Hey, Hey, Darling we'll enter NATO
Budeme sa bavi? ako Bonnie and Clyde
We'll have fun like Bonnie and Clyde
Hej, hej zlato máme predsa na to
Hey, Hey, Darling we simply can afford it
Všetko bude tutti, všetko bude all right
Everything will be grand, everything will be all-right
Hej, hej zlato pôjdeme do NATO
Hey, Hey, Darling we'll enter NATO
Kúpime si nové tanky budeme frei
We'll buy new tanks we'll be free
Hej, hej zlato máme predsa na to
Hey, Hey, Darling we simply can afford it
Naše deti budú plati? a ja, já, jaj!
Our children will pay a fortune!