Translation of the song Tretie Oko artist Elán


Tretie Oko

English translation

Third Eye

Neveriaci neveria v iného Boha

The nonbelievers don't believe in a different God

ako veriaci veria

than the believers believe in.

Tretím okom vidím náš svet z veľkej výšky

With my third eye, I see our world from a great height

Prefíkané deti a naivné líšky

Sly children and naive foxes

Tretím okom vidím čo nám šepká oheň

With my third eye, I see what the fire whispers

Vidím zlé znamenia hore na oblohe

I see evil omens up in the sky

Tretím okom vidím ako vidí žena

With my third eye, I see the way women see

Hodnota je iné ako býva cena

There's a difference between value and price

Tretím okom vidím ako klamú telá

With my third eye, I see how bodies lie

Že je pravda polovičná a tvári sa celá

That the truth is only partial but appears like a whole.

Prečo Boh zanevrel na verných

Why did God forsake the believers?

Veriaci občas neveria

Believers sometimes don't believe

A neveriaci veria

And nonbelievers believe

Sú čudní vtáci s perím

There are strange birds with feathers

A sú Boží bez peria

And there are God's ones without feathers

Moslimi kresťania židia

Muslims, Christians, Jews

Tí až keď zavrú oči vidia

They see only when they close their eyes

Tretím okom vidím svetlo spoza stromov

With my third eye, I see the light from beyond the trees

To čakajú mamy či prídeme domov

That's our mothers waiting for us to come home

Tretím okom vidím to čo cíti vlčiak

With my third eye, I see what the German Shepherd can smell

vidím o čom tí čo vedia radšej mlčia

I see that, which is kept quiet about by those who know about it

Si z nás už ustatý, áa

You're weary of us, aaa

Veriaci občas neveria

Believers sometimes don't believe

A neveriaci veria

And nonbelievers believe

Sú čudní vtáci s perím

There are strange birds with feathers

A sú Boží bez peria

And there are God's ones without feathers

Moslimi kresťania židia

Muslims, Christians, Jews

Tí až keď zavrú oči vidia

They see only when they close their eyes

Prečo Boh zanevrel

Why did God forsake

na verných na tejto Zemi

the believers of this Earth?

Si z nás už ustatý

You're weary of us

Alebo slepý a nemý

Or blind and mute

Veriaci občas neveria

Believers sometimes don't believe

A neveriaci veria

And nonbelievers believe

Sú čudní vtáci s perím

There are strange birds with feathers

A sú Boží bez peria

And there are God's ones without feathers

Moslimi kresťania židia

Muslims, Christians, Jews

Tí až keď zavrú oči vidia

They see only when they close their eyes

Veriaci občas neveria

Believers sometimes don't believe

A neveriaci veria

And nonbelievers believe

Sú čudní vtáci s perím

There are strange birds with feathers

A sú Boží bez peria

And there are God's ones without feathers

Moslimi kresťania židia

Muslims, Christians, Jews

Tí až keď zavrú oči vidia

They see only when they close their eyes

Neveriaci neveria v iného Boha

The nonbelievers don't believe in a different God

ako veriaci veria

than the believers believe in.

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