Translation of the song Zanedbaný sex artist Elán


Zanedbaný sex

English translation

Neglected sex

Ak ťa v noci budia strašidelné sny

When you get woken up by nightmares

Ak ťa nudia ľudia a ak si obézny

When people bore you and when you're obese

Ver že za to môže len jediná vec

Believe that there's just one thing at fault

A tou je a tou je a tou je zanedbaný sex

And that is, and that is neglected sex

Ak máš horké sliny a ak ti škrípe hlas

When you've got hot saliva and when your voice squeaks

Ak máš syndróm viny dnu či ischias

When you've got a guilt syndrome, gout or sciatica

Vedz že za tým väzí len jediná vec

Believe that there's just one thing at fault

A tou je a tou je a tou je zanedbaný sex

And that is, and that is neglected sex

Mám to rád

I like it,

Áno chcem ťa

Yes, I want you

Mám to rád

I like it,

Celú zjém ťa

I'll eat you whole

Mám to rád

I like it

Si nežné zviera

You're a gentle beast

Mám to rád

I like it

Na to sa neumiera

One doesn't die from this

Ak ti klesá IQ a ak ti stúpa tlak

When you're IQ is falling and when your pressure is rising

Spamätaj sa rýchle a všetko nechaj tak

Get yourself together quick and leave everything be

Neváhaj a začni riešiť vážnu vec

Don't hesitate and start dealing with this serious thing

A tou je a tou je a tou je zanedbaný sex

And that is, and that is neglected sex

Ak ťa v noci budia strašidelné sny

When you get woken up by nightmares

Ak ťa nudia ľudia a ak si obézny

When people bore you and when you're obese

A na všetkom bielom vidíš čierny fľak

And on everything white you see a black spot

Tak odomkni si telo a maj sa trochu rád

Then unlock your body and love yourself a bit

Mám to rád

I like it,

Áno chcem ťa

Yes, I want you

Mám to rád

I like it,

Celú zjém ťa

I'll eat you whole

Mám to rád

I like it

Si nežné zviera

You're a gentle beast

Mám to rád

I like it

Na to sa neumiera

One doesn't die from this

Ak si ako väzeň v sebe zavretý

When you're like a prisoner locked inside yourself

Ak sa ti táto pieseň lepí na päty

When this song sticks to your heels

Ver že za to môže len jediná vec

Believe that there's just one thing at fault

A tou je a tou je a tou je zanedbaný sex

And that is, and that is neglected sex

Mám to rád

I like it,

Áno chcem ťa

Yes, I want you

Mám to rád

I like it,

Celú zjém ťa

I'll eat you whole

Mám to rád

I like it

Si nežné zviera

You're a gentle beast

Mám to rád

I like it

Na to sa neumiera

One doesn't die from this

Mám to rád

I like it,

Áno chcem ťa

Yes, I want you

Mám to rád

I like it,

Celú zjém ťa

I'll eat you whole

Mám to rád

I like it

Si nežné zviera

You're a gentle beast

Mám to rád

I like it

Na to sa neumiera

One doesn't die from this

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