Translation of the song Der Var Engang artist Bjørnskov


Der Var Engang

English translation

There was a time

Tiden ta'r, alt hvad vi har

Time takes, everything that we have

Drømmer mig tilbage, tilbage til hvor vi var

I dream back, back to where we were

Du og jeg, flyder længere op af

You and I, float further up

Nu ser vi kun hinanden, igennem tomme blikke

Now we see each other, through empty gazes

Der var engang, hvor jeg ku' gøre dig glad

There was a time, where I could make you happy

Der var engang, jeg var det eneste du havde

There was a time, I was the only one you had

Din foraltid, hvor ingenting ku' skille os ad

Yours forever, where nothing could divide us

Ligemeget hvad

No matter what

Læg din hånd, på min bryst

Lay your hand, on my chest

Mit hjerte banker stadig, for dig så endeløst

My heart still beats, for you so endlessly

At jeg prøver på, åååh, at nå ind til dig

That I try, oooh, to reach in to you

For inderst inde ved jeg, du stadig elsker mig

Because deep inside I know, you still love me

Der var engang, hvor jeg ku' gøre dig glad

There was a time, where I could make you happy

Der var engang jeg var det eneste du havde

There was a time, I was the only one you had

Din foraltid, hvor ingenting ku' skille os ad

Yours forever, where nothing could divide us

Ligemeget hvad

No matter what

Åhh ligemeget hvad

Ohh no matter what

Men i en storm, drev vi væk fra land

But in a storm, we drive away from land

Uden at vide hvor, vinden tog os hen

Without knowing where, the wind took us over

Tog os hen

Took us over

Der var engang, hvor jeg ku' gøre dig glad

There was a time, where I could make you happy

Der var engang jeg var det eneste du havde

There was a time, I was the only one you had

Din foraltid, hvor ingenting ku' skille os ad

Yours forever, where nothing could divide us

Ligemeget hvad

No matter what

Jaaa, ligemeget hvad

Yeah, no matter what

Åhh åh åh, åhh åh åh, åhh åh åh

Ohh oh oh, ohh oh oh, ohh oh oh

åhh åh åh, åhh åh åh, åhh åh åh

Ohh oh oh, ohh oh oh, ohh oh oh

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