Translation of the song Telefon artist Bjørnskov



English translation


Gi' mig min telefon

Give me my phone

Du finder ingen andre pi'r

You won't find other girls

På min telefon, der' kun dig, baby

On my phone, there's only you, baby

Baby, hva' går der galt?

Baby, what's the matter?

Jeg har prøvet alt

I've tried everything

Men vi kører rundt i ring

But we're going in circled

Det har overtaget dig

It's taken over your life

Baby, det' på tide, at du

Baby, it' time for you

Kommer videre nu

To move on now

For det gavner ingenting

'Cause it doesn't help anything

At du udspionerer mig

That you spy on me

Ja, vi ku' blive ved sådan her fra til månen

Yeah, we could keep on going this way from here and to the moon

Men det vil stadig være det svar, du vil få

But it would still be the same answer you'd get

Så gi' mig min telefon

Give me my phone

Du finder ingen andre pi'r

You won't find other girls

På min telefon, der' kun dig, baby

On my phone, there's only you, baby

Så læg nu min telefon

So put down my phone

Og begynd at tro på, hva' jeg si'r

And start believing what I say

For jeg skriver ikk' med nogen

'Cause I don't write with anyone

Ikk' med nogen

Write with anyone

På min telefon

On my phone

På min telefon

On my phone

Og hver gang jeg kommer hjem

And whenever I come home

Spørg' du, hvor jeg var hen'

You'll ask me where I've been

Jeg si'r, hvis du ikk' ka' stol' på mig

I tell you that if you can't trust me

Ja, så ka' du ikk' stol' på nogen

Well, then you can't trust anyone

De tanker, du kæmper mod

The thoughts you're fighting

Inde i dit hoved

In your head

Jeg ka' se, hvad de gør ved dig

I can see what they're doing to you

Men det' kun en illusion

But it's just an illusion

Ja, vi ku' blive ved sådan her fra til månen

Yeah, we could keep on going this way from here and to the moon

Men det vil stadig være det svar, du vil få

But it would still be the same answer you'd get

Så gi' mig min telefon

So give me my phone

Du finder ingen andre pi'r

You won't find other girls

På min telefon, der' kun dig, baby

On my phone, there's only you, baby

Så læg nu min telefon

So put down my phone

Og begynd at tro på, hva' jeg si'r

And start believing what I say

For jeg skriver ikk' med nogen

'Cause I don't write with anyone

Ikk' med nogen

Write with anyone

For jeg skriver ikk' med nogen

'Cause I don't write with anyone

Ikk' med nogen

Write with anyone

På min telefon

On my phone

På min telefon

On my phone

Så gi' mig min telefon

So give me my phone

Du finder ingen andre pi'r

You won't find other girls

På min telefon, der' kun dig, baby

On my phone, there's only you, baby

Så læg nu min telefon

So put down my phone

Og begynd at tro på, hva' jeg si'r

And start believing what I say

For jeg skriver ikk' med nogen

'Cause I don't write with anyone

Ikk' med nogen

Write with anyone

På min telefon

On my phone

På min telefon

On my phone

Så gi' mig min telefon

So give me my phone

Du finder ingen andre pi'r

You won't find other girls

På min telefon, der' kun dig, baby

On my phone, there's only you, baby

Så læg nu min telefon

So put down my phone

Og begynd at tro på, hva' jeg si'r

And start believing what I say

For jeg skriver ikk' med nogen

'Cause I don't write with anyone

Ikk' med nogen

Write with anyone

På min telefon

On my phone

På min telefon

On my phone

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