Translation of the song 優しい嘘 artist Acid Black Cherry



English translation

Yasashii Uso (Gentle Lie)

愛してた 柔らかなその声も

I loved you...and that gentle voice, too

愛してた 少しクセのある髪も

I loved you...and your slightly wavy hair

愛してた 淡い栗色の瞳も

I loved you...and your chestnut-colored eyes

愛してる 今でもまだ愛してる

I love you...even now, I still love you

目を閉じると 君が笑って

When I close my eyes, you're laughing

あの日の様に 抱きしめたくて

Just like that day, I want to pull you close

輝いてた 時が終わり

Those beautifully happy times are over

振り向いても 君はいない

Even looking back, you're not there


Those wounds that consumed me are still hurting


Your tender voice echoing, even now


Please, let me cry a little

さようなら 誰よりも愛した人

Goodbye to the one I loved more than any other

愛してた 誰より涙もろくて

I loved you...the one who cried more easily than anyone

愛してた イタズラに拗ねたりして

I loved you...pouting when I got up to my old tricks

愛してた 素直じゃないヤキモチ妬き

I loved you...your willful, blazing jealousy

愛してる こんなにも愛してるのに

I love you...even though I loved you like that, too

大嫌い って君が笑って

Saying I hate you so much, you're laughing

抱きつく度 愛しくなって

When we embraced, you became dear to me

どんな時だって いつも優しさと

Even at those times, with your usual tenderness

くちづけを 僕にくれた

You gave me a kiss


Even so, I got used to 'love'


Taking your tender lies for granted


Still so selfish


I abandoned you and left you all alone


That day, you held back your tears

嫌い。。大嫌い って震えて抱きついた

I hate you...I really hate you, you said, pulling me into a trembling embrace


Even though I knew it was a lie


In my dishonesty I pretended I didn't notice that at all

君がついた 最後の嘘

You said it, that final lie

君が流した 最後の涙

You shed them, those last tears

終わりをつげた 夜明けの前

I told you it was over, before dawn

窓の外は 冷たい雨

Outside the window, the cold rain


That day, you held back your tears

嫌い。。大嫌い って震えて抱きついた

I hate you...I really hate you, you said, pulling me into a trembling embrace


Even though I knew it was a lie


In my dishonesty I pretended I didn't notice that at all


These wounds that consumed me are still hurting


Since these will be my last tears for you


Please, let me cry, just for today

さようなら 誰よりも愛した人

Goodbye to the one I loved more than any other

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