Translation of the song Cat inca ne iubim artist Florian Rus
Cat inca ne iubim
While we still love each other
Stiu c-am zis
I know we said
Ca nu ne mai sunam
That we wouldn't call each other anymore.
Eu din reflex formez numarul tau
I dial your phone number by reflex.
Si ai promis
And you promised
Ca n-o sa ne cautam
That we wouldn't look for each other.
Dar cu orice gand ajungi la mine din nou
But you come to me again with any thought.
Noi ne tot ferim de trecut
We're still protecting each other from the past,
Dar nu vad nicio scapare
But I see no escape.
Tot ce-am trait
All we lived,
Tot ce-am trait amandoi
All we lived together
Ne trage iar inapoi
Is pulling us back again.
And then
Unde sa mai fugim
Where to run
Sa nu
So that
Sa nu ne gasim
So that we don't find ourselves.
And then
Unde sa mai fugim
Where to run
Sa nu
So that
Sa nu ne gasim
So that we don't find ourselves,
Cat inca ne iubim
While we still love each other.
Sper c-ai gasit
I hope that you've found
Tot ce ti-ai dorit
Everything you wanted.
Hai spune-mi cum e lumea dincolo de noi
Tell me how the world is beyond us.
Oare ti-am lipsit...
Have I really missed you...
Oare mai stii cand am trait
Do you really know when we lived,
De parca lumea-ntreaga eram doar noi doi
As if in the entire world there were only us.
Unde sa mai fugim
Where to run
Sa nu
So that
Sa nu ne gasim
So that we don't find ourselves.
And then
unde sa mai fugim
Where to run
Sa nu ne gasim
So that
Cat inca ne iubim
So that we don't find ourselves,
Cat inca ne iubim
While we still love each other.
And then
Unde sa mai fugim
Where to run
Sa nu
So that
Sa nu ne gasim
So that we don't find ourselves.
Acum cat ne iubim
Now how we love each other.