Translation of the song Pe buzele tale artist Florian Rus
Pe buzele tale
On your lips
Nu mai zambi cand vreau sa plec
Stop smiling when I want to leave
Tu stii mereu cum sa ma intorci din drum
You always know how to make me turn back
E karma ta si nu-i corect, nu
It's your karma and it's not right, no
Ca uit si de ce ne-am certat
Because I'm forgetting why we fought
De fiecare data cand ma trantesti in pat
Each time you shove me into bed
Si stii si tu ca am incercat
And even you know that I've tried
Sa plec
To leave
Parca-i o forta care ma trage inapoi
It's like a force which drags me back
Cand vine vorba de noi
When it comes to us
Am gustat raiul si iadul pe buzele tale
I've tasted heaven and hell on your lips
Si cred ca de-asta ma intorc
And I think that this is why I come back
Tu mi-ai dat gust si culoare, volumul mai tare
You gave me flavor and color, a greater volume
Exact ca un drog
Just like a drug
Am gustat raiul si iadul pe buzele tale
I've tasted heaven and hell on your lips
Si cred ca de-asta ma intorc
And I think that this is why I come back
Tu mi-ai dat gust si culoare, volumul mai tare
You gave me flavor and color, a greater volume
Exact ca un drog
Just like a drug
De ce am corpul amortit
Why do I have a numb body
Si inima vrea sa fuga, ca să mai simt
And my heart wants to run, to be able to keep on feeling
Cum de ma faci mereu sa o mint
How do you always make me lie
Zi-mi, cum
Tell me, how
Si stiu ce urmeaza, ma intreb ce-mi place la tine
And I know what's to follow, I wonder what I like about you
Cum de trec orice obstacol ca sa te tin langa mine
How do I pass over any obstacle just to keep you by my side?
Da, de atatea ori m-am intreb de ce
Yeah, I've wondered why so many times
Parca-i o forta care ma trage inapoi
It's like a force which drags me back
Cand vine vorba de noi
When it comes to us
Am gustat raiul si iadul pe buzele tale
I've tasted heaven and hell on your lips
Si cred ca de-asta ma intorc
And I think that this is why I come back
Tu mi-ai dat gust si culoare, volumul mai tare
You gave me flavor and color, a greater volume
Exact ca un drog
Just like a drug
Eu am gustat raiul si iadul pe buzele tale
I've tasted heaven and hell on your lips
Si cred ca de-asta ma intorc
And I think that this is why I come back
Tu mi-ai dat gust si culoare, volumul mai tare
You gave me flavor and color, a greater volume
Exact ca un drog, ca un drog
Just like a drug
Raiul si iadul pe buzele tale
Heaven and hell on your lips
Gust si culoare, volumul mai tare
Flavor and color, a greater volume
Am gustat raiul si iadul pe buzele tale
I've tasted heaven and hell on your lips
Si cred ca de-asta ma intorc
And I think that this is why I come back
Tu mi-ai dat gust si culoare, volumul mai tare
You gave me flavor and color, a greater volume
Exact ca un drog
Just like a drug
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