Translation of the song Singura greseala artist Florian Rus


Singura greseala

English translation

The only mistake

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Us two

Singura greseala pe care n-o regret

The only mistake I don't regret

Singura amintire ingropata in secret

The only memory buried in secret

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Us to

Singura rana din piept

The only wound on my chest

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Us two

Singurul viciu care mi-a lipsit

The only vice that I missed

Singurul adio ce m-a prins nepregatit

The only goodbye which caught me off guard

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Us two

Totul si nimic

All or nothing

Si n-o sa stim vreodata ce puteam sa fim dar

And we will never know what we could have been but

Ne-ajuta vantul sa ne amagim

The wind helps us fool ourselves

Ca ne uda aceiasi ploaie

Because the same rain wets us

Ne-ncalzeste acelasi soare

The same sun warms us

Ne invelim cu-acelasi cer cand nu-i usor

We cloak ourselves in the same sky when things aren't easy

Noi traim aceleasi patimi

We live the same passions

Si varsam aceleasi lacrimi

And we shed the same tears

Ne mintim mereu ca ne-am uitat usor

We always lie to ourselves that we forgot each other easily

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Us two

Singura greseala de care mi-e dor

The only mistake that I long for

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Us two

Singurul zambet cu subinteles

The only smile with subtext

Singurul blestem ce singura mi l-am ales

The only curse that I chose for myself

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Us two

Ceva ce nu se intampla des

Something that doesn't happen often

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Us two

Inca ma intreb de ce ne-am intalnit

I still ask myself why we met

Da’ stii c-as pune ziua aia pe repeat

But you know that I'd put that day on repeat

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Us two

Totul si nimic

All or nothing

Ca ne uda aceiasi ploaie

Because the same rain wets us

Ne-ncalzeste acelasi soare

The same sun warms us

Ne invelim cu-acelasi cer cand nu-i usor

We cloak ourselves in the same sky when things aren't easy

Noi traim aceleasi patimi

We live the same passions

Si varsam aceleasi lacrimi

And we shed the same tears

Ne mintim mereu ca ne-am uitat usor

We always lie to ourselves that we forgot each other easily

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Us two

Singura greseala de care mi-e dor

The only mistake that I long for

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