Translation of the song Sportul preferat artist Florian Rus


Sportul preferat

English translation

Favorite sport



Am aflat, am aflat

I've figured out, I've figured out

Am aflat, am aflat

I've figured out, I've figured out

Care-i sportul nostru preferat

What our favorite sport is

Am aflat, am aflat

I've figured out, I've figured out

Am aflat, am aflat

I've figured out, I've figured out

Care-i sportul nostru preferat

What our favorite sport is

[Strofa 1]

Verse 1

Și nu e volei

And it isn't volleyball

E adevărat, am mers pe plajă amândoi

It's true, we both went to the beach

Da n-aveam mingea la noi

But we didn't have a ball with us

Și nu hockey

And not hockey

Am mers pe gheață subțire

We went over the thin ice

Credeam că-i gata, iubire

I thought that it's ready, love

Că așa-i în tenis

Because that's how it is in tennis

Da nu e game set, meci

But it isn't game set, match

Cât mai e dragoste, să încerci

As long as there's love, try

E ca în șah, știi

It's like in chess, you know

Și eu îmi apăr regina de toți nebunii

And I'm defending my queen from all the bishops



Am aflat, am aflat

I've figured out, I've figured out

Am aflat, am aflat

I've figured out, I've figured out

Care-i sportul nostru preferat

What our favorite sport is

Am aflat, am aflat

I've figured out, I've figured out

Am aflat, am aflat

I've figured out, I've figured out

Care-i sportul nostru preferat

What our favorite sport is

Așa că haaai, hai, hai

So, come onnn, come on, come on

Am aflat, am aflat

I've figured out, I've figured out

Am aflat, am aflat

I've figured out, I've figured out

Care-i sportul nostru preferat

What our favorite sport is

[Strofa 2]

Verse 2

Și nu e fotbal

And it's not soccer

E adevărat, ne-am cam driblat, ne-am cam fentat

It's true, we kinda dribbled, we kinda dodged

Da nu e handbal

Yeah, it isn't handball

Am scăpat singur uneori, puteam să înscriu de atâtea ori

I escaped alone sometimes, I could sign up so many times

Da nu e fairplay

But it isn't fairplay

Când văd atâta iubire în ochii tăi, eu

When I see so much love in your eyes, I



Am aflat, am aflat

I've figured out, I've figured out

Am aflat, am aflat

I've figured out, I've figured out

Care-i sportul nostru preferat

What our favorite sport is

Am aflat, am aflat

I've figured out, I've figured out

Am aflat, am aflat

I've figured out, I've figured out

Care-i sportul nostru preferat

What our favorite sport is

Așa că haaai, hai, hai

So, come onnn, come on, come on

Am aflat, am aflat

I've figured out, I've figured out

Am aflat, am aflat

I've figured out, I've figured out

Care-i sportul nostru preferat

What our favorite sport is



Am o inimă mare, plină de sentimente

I have a big heart, full of feelings

Cu tine-n casă, e cel mai bun cantonament

With you at home, it's the best training camp

Poezie și proză, filmul nostru cam dement

Poetry and prose, our sorta crazy film

Las că facem noi copii, dar până atunci antrenament

I leave it because we're have children, but until then, training



Am aflat, am aflat

I've figured out, I've figured out

Am aflat, am aflat

I've figured out, I've figured out

Care-i sportul nostru preferat

What our favorite sport is

Am aflat, am aflat

I've figured out, I've figured out

Am aflat, am aflat

I've figured out, I've figured out

Care-i sportul nostru preferat

What our favorite sport is

Așa că haaai, hai, hai

So, come onnn, come on, come on

Am aflat, am aflat

I've figured out, I've figured out

Am aflat, am aflat

I've figured out, I've figured out

Care-i sportul nostru preferat

What our favorite sport is

0 131 0 2 years ago Administrator

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