Translation of the song Deli Mavi artist Yeşim Salkım


Deli Mavi

English translation

Insane Blue

Eski ve yırtık ve solgun ve durgun

Old and torn and faded and still

Ama duvarımda bak atamam sevdalı resimleri

Yet they are on my wall, look, I can't throw away these loving photos

Ah, zamansız eridik, tükendik

Oh, we melted, we came to an end all too soon

Neden, böyle apansız kimlere yenildik ve eskidik

Why? So suddenly, by whom were we defetaed?

Son bakışın duruyor gözümde

Your last gaze stays in my eyes

Bir alev gibi deli mavi

Like a flame, insane blue

Son gülüşün duruyor yüzümde

Your last smile stays on my face

Çok sevenlerin deli hali

The insane state of those who love so much

Söz, sana yemin sana söz

It's a promise, I promise you, I swear to you

Kör olayım yalansa

May I become blind if I am lying

Değmedi değmez gözüme

My face has never been and will never be

Başka renkte iki göz

Touched by eyes of a different color

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