Translation of the song كيفك بالحب artist Nancy Ajram


كيفك بالحب

English translation

How Are You in Love?

كيفك بالحب؟ رح تعرف تحب؟

How are you [like when] in love? Will you know how to love?

ولا مش رح يجي منك إلا وجع القلب

Or is nothing going to come out of you but heartache

كيف رح بتكون؟ قاسي ولا حنون؟

How will you be like? Harsh or tender?

رح تعرف تصون العشرة، ولا رح بتخون؟

Will you know how to be loyal to times we spent together, or will you betray [me],

وتحكي بالإخلاص، وإنك غير الناس

And speak sincerely saying that you are not like others

وتوهمني انك بتحس، وتطلع بلا إحساس

And give me the illusion that you have feelings and then turn out to have none?

كيفك بالحب؟ رح تعرف تحب؟

How are you [like when] in love? Will you know how to love?

ولا مش رح يجي منك إلا وجع القلب

Or is nothing going to come out of you but heartache

رح بتكون بعقل كبير؟ ولا بكره رح بتصير

Will you have a mature mind? Or will you become tomorrow

بعقل صغير تغار كتير بسبب وبلا أسباب

someone with a childish mind who is jealous a lot for trivial reasons

وتحطّلي شروط، واشعر بدي موت

And you'd set conditions for me, And I'd feel like I want to die

وتخرب بيتي، ماتخليلي رفقة ولا أصحاب

And you'd destroy me1 and I'd have no companions nor friends?

كيفك بالحب؟ رح تعرف تحب؟

How are you [like when] in love? Will you know how to love?

ولا مش رح يجي منك إلا وجع القلب

Or is nothing going to come out of you but heartache

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