Translation of the song يا واد يا تقيل artist Nancy Ajram
يا واد يا تقيل
You Overbearing Boy
يا يا يا واد يا تقيل
You, you, you overbearing boy
يا ياه يا مشيبني
Who makes my hair gray
ياه دنا بالي طويل
I'm very patient
وانت انت عاجبني
And you, I like you
بس يا ابني بلاش تتعبني
But son, don't tire me
عشان عمرك ما حتغلبني
Because you'll never conquer me
يا يا يا ياه يا واد يا تقيل
You, you, you overbearing boy
يا يا يا واد يا تقيل
You, you, you overbearing boy
يا يا يا مشيبها
Who makes her hair gray
ياه دي بالها طويل
She is very patient
وانت انت عاجبها
and you, she likes you
يا يا يا يا يا واد يا تقيل
You, you, you overbearing boy
قلبي يقول ياني ياني ياني
My heart says oh poor me
وده قلبه ولا يعاني
and his heart doesn't suffer
عنده برود أعصاب اسم الله
He is incredibly cold-hearted
ولا جراح بريطاني
more than a British surgeon
ويبص إزاي
And the way he looks
كدا كدا هو
Like this, like this
ويمشي إزاي
And the way he walks
كدا كدا هو
Like this, like this
والضحكة إزاي
And the way he laughs
كدا هو
Like this, like this
ويقف ويقول انا اهو انا اهو
He stands up saying Here I am! Here I am!
تمثال رمسيس الثاني
Like the statue of Ramesses II
يا يا يا يا يا واد يا تقيل
You, you, you overbearing boy
اكلمه بحرارة
I talk to him with passion,
يرد بالقطارة
he responds in droplets
الرجل الغامض بسلامته
The mysterious man in all his glory,
متخفي بنظارة
hiding behind a pair of glasses
ويحيي إزاي
And the way he waves
كدا كدا هو
Like this, like this
وينادي إزاي
And the way he calls
كدا كدا هو
Like this, like this
و يعادي ازاي
And the way he antagonizes
ويقف ويقول انا اهو انا اهو
He stands up saying Here I am! Here I am!
أطول واحد في الحارة
The tallest guy in the neighborhood
يا يا يا يا يا واد يا تقيل
You, you, you overbearing boy