Translation of the song Bu Böyle Kalmaz artist Buray
Bu Böyle Kalmaz
It can't remain like that
Doğrusu yanıldık biz
Actually we were mistaken
Böylesi inanmışken
When we believed that
Nefes almadan sevmek neyse
To love is to feel breathless
Öyle derin yerin kalbimde
Your place is deep in my heart just like that
Haklısın dağıldık biz
You're right, we fell apart
Sımsıkı sarılmışken
While we hugged each others tightly
Hayat senden ibaretti bende
For me life was nothing but you
Şimdi derin yaran kalbimde
Now your wound is deep in my heart
Bu böyle kalmaz
It can't remain like that
Yalan dolanla
With a pack of lies
Kaçan kurtulmaz günahıyla
Even if you escaped, you wouldn't get rid of your sin
Varsın yansın kar kalsın yanına
Let her burn, let the snow be beside her
Dönsün dursun dünya etrafında
Let her back, let the world around her stop
Bu böyle kalmaz
It can't remain like that
Unuturum sanma
Don't think i will forget
Yaram kapanmaz
My wound will not heal
Tuz basmakla
When you increase it
Açsın içini aşk sansın onu da
O Love, bare her heart, take over her too
Sorulur hesabı sürsün zevk-i sefa
She will pay me back, then let her keep indulging herself