Translation of the song AKM artist Rytmus



English translation


Toto je elektro ty obmezený ko-kot-ko,

This is electro, you scanty mother-fuc-ker

najlepší hip hop festival tu robí jo-po-po,

The best hip-hop festival makes here jo-po-po

jak hovorí Rosaldo Rytmus je king po po-po-po,

how Rosaldo Rytmus is a king po-po-po

big mikiny, šiltovky, kapsáče dovi dopo yeau,

big jumpers, baseball caps, trousers, goodbye1 yeah,

každý dávno pochopil, že já udávam štýýl,

Everyone realized long ago that I appoint the style

ja chcem robiť párty za love a to je re-re-real,

I wanna make a party for love and it is re-re-real

nikdy som sa žádnému gadžovi neprosiil,

I have never been begging any gadjo2

tak si pusti Wu-Tang keď si to nepochopiil,

So let play for yourself the Wu-Tang3 if you didn't understand it

myslite si že to budem robiť podla vás,

Think that I will do it according to you

hateri sú v piči já zarabám ešte vááác,

haters are fucked off, I earn even mooore,

popritom si spievam iba také lalalááá,

At the same time I'm singing just such a lalalaaaaa

s týmto textom mi pomáhala moja mamááááá.

My moooom has helped me with this text

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the best rapper in Europe.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the best rapper in Europe.

DJ nechaj to hráť pre nás celú noc,

DJ, let it play for us the whole night,

my sa chceme baviť my chcem žiť na plnoo,

We wanna live, we wanna live for full!

tento refrén venujem celý len pre těba bejbe,

I give this chorus of its full size for you babe,

sledujem ťa celú noc bez těba to tu nejde,

I'm watching you the whole night, it's impossible here without you

tento moment tuto chvílu nám nikdo nezobérie tere toou,

No one is gonna take this moment, this while away from us tere toou,

všetci Hééééé.

All of you Heeeeee

Všetky sexy ženy milujú moj swag,

All of sexy women love my swag

všetky sexy-xy ženy mi-milujú mooj swag swag,

All of sexy-xy women lo-love my swag swag

všetky kurvy chcú ochutnať moj chlupatý swaag swaag,

All of sluts wanna taste my furry swaag swaag

všetky ženy milujú sexy sexy swa-swa-swag,

All of women love the sexy sexy swa-swa-swag

do hlavy sa ti zajebe tento slovný tok tok,

This flow flow of words is gonna fuck into your head4

rapisti a metalisti chycá z toho šok šok,

Rappers and Metalics will get a shock shock of it

nechcite mi nanútiť 90tý rok,

Don't even try to oblige me into 90s

já som z all kind of music takže zjedli ste mi kok,

I'm from all kind of music, so you ate my coke

robim ze sebá jebá lebo vás mi netrebá,

I make a fucker from myself because I don't need y'all,

zarábam stotisíce lebo nemám na chlebá,

I earn 100 000s because I don't have enough money for bread,

nikdo tu nam mňa nemá vie že nepríde zmená,

No one here is so good as I am, he knows that the change won't happen

vaše rečičky sú pre mňa iba také malé báá,

Your jaws are for me just such a small blaah

jebem tvoju lyriku a jebem aj tvoj flow,

I fuck about your poetry and I fuck about your flow too

ludia sa chcú baviť a chcú zažiť moju show,

People wanna have fun and wanna experience my show

underground je v piči a ten je pre žebrakov,

Undeground is in fuck5 and it is just for beggars

opovaž si pustiť tuto skladbu pre komerčákov.

Don't even try to play this music for commercial people

Ladies and gentlemen, suck a motherfucking dick.

Ladies and gentlemen, suck a motherfucking dick.

D-D-DJ nechaj to hrať pre nás celú noc,

D-D-DJ, let it play for us the whole night,

my sa chceme baviť my chcem žiť na plnoo,

We wanna live, we wanna live for full!

tento refrén venujem celý len pre těba bejbe,

I give this chorus of its full size for you babe,

sledujem ťa celú noc bez těba to tu nejde,

I'm watching you the whole night, it's impossible here without you

tento moment tuto chvílu nám nikdo nezobére tére touu.

No one is gonna take this moment, this while away from us tere toou

Tento refrén venujem celý len pre teba bejbe,

I give this chorus of its full size for you babe,

sledujem ťa celú noc bez teba to tu nejde,

I'm watching you the whole night, it's impossible here without you

tento moment tuto chvílu nám nikdo nezobérie tére touu

No one is gonna take this moment, this while away from us tere toou

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