Translation of the song Noc patri nam artist Rytmus
Noc patri nam
The night belongs to us
Ja som sen tejto noci,
I'm the dream of this night
sen, čo rád hýbe mysľou.
the dream that likes moving with mind1
Pocit, čo vnímaš bez slov,
The feeling that you feel without words
Rytmo mesto, príbehy snov.
Rytmo city, stories of dreams
Vyslov heslo milión zmyslov,
Tell the password, million of senses
mesto je naše, čo chcem to dám.
The city's ours, what I want to I will give
Mesto je všade, noc patrí nám,
The city's everywhere, the night belongs to us
stavme sa more, tak okolo desať litrov,
Let's make a bet dude, like a 10 000
mám pri sebe v spone.
I have in my pocket
Nežijem pre love, aj keď je pohoda,
I don't live for love, even if it's fine
euro je fenomén, novodobá sloboda.
euro is phenomena, nowadays freedom
Všetko je v kľude, na ulici je čisto,
Everything's OK, streets are clear
peklo je v klube, nebo je tak blízko.
Hell is in club, the heaven is so close
Pridaj mi zvuk, iba tak to dám,
Make the volume higher, that's the only way I can get it
vo svetle žiar, na krku s Kristom.
in the world of lights, on neck with Christus
Krúžime, blúdime, túžime ľúbiť,
Let's whirl, stray, long for love,
noc patrí nám, to Ti viem sľúbiť.
the night belong to us, I can promise you that
Večer za tmy, sestry s bratmi
Yesterday in dark, sisters with brothers
ženy, muži, poďme si užiť
women, men, let's enjoy yourselves
eufória stúpa, sme nesmrteľní
euphory is getting higher, we're immortal
na chvíľu dúfať, že né naposledy
Hope for a while that not for the last time
My sme tie hviezdy, čo žiaria na Zemi
We are stars that shines on the Earth
my sme tí anjeli, stratení, nájdení.
We're those angels, lost, found
Noc patrí nám, no je vítaní každý
The night belong to us, but everyone is welcome
my sme tu zas a budeme navždy.
We are here again and will be forever
Prepáč, trochu som pil,
Sorry, I drank a little
nemôžem už riadiť, tak to zober ty.
I can't drive anymore, so take it instead of me
Zahni sem, doprava a rovno,
Turn here, right side, now straight on
blik, blik, blik, blik, curva šmyk.
blick blick blick blick, curve2 slip.
Vonku je osoba, ja som jej potopa,
There's a person outside, I'm his deluge
toto je doba, keď sa mi nedá dovolať.
this is the era when no one calls me up3
Sorry, nedvíham, nemusíš to prežívať,
Sorry, I don't pick up, you don't have to take it so hard
príď osobne pokecať, pozývam.
come to talk personally, I'm inviting.
Som fantóm, noc moja opera,
I'm a phantom, night is my opera
mesto moje divadlo, zvuk moja večera.
the city is my theatre, sound is my dinner
Hudba hrá jak hrom, cítiš to? cítiš to.
the music plays like a thunder, do you feel it? you do feel it.
Otvor okno, vzduch ma preberá,
Open the window, air wakes me up
pozri sa hore, noc čistá a nádherná.
Look upwards, it's clear and wonderful night
Neviem byť, už nechcem byť nikdy byť sám,
I can't be, I don't wanna be alone anymore
noc patrí nám, noc patrí nám.
the night belongs to us, the night belongs to us
Večer za tmy, sestry s bratmi
Yesterday in dark, sisters with brothers
ženy, muži, poďme si užiť
women, men, let's enjoy yourselves
eufória stúpa, sme nesmrteľní
euphory is getting higher, we're immortal
na chvíľu dúfať, že né naposledy
Hope for a while that not for the last time
My sme tie hviezdy, čo žiaria na Zemi
We are stars that shines on the Earth
my sme tí anjeli, stratení, nájdení.
We're those angels, lost, found
Noc patrí nám, no je vítaní každý
The night belong to us, but everyone is welcome
my sme tu zas a budeme navždy.
We are here again and will be forever