Translation of the song Palästinalied 2 artist In Extremo

German (Middle High German)

Palästinalied 2

English translation

Palestine Song

Dô er sich wolte übr uns erbarmen,

As he wanted to take pity on us,

hie leit er den grimmen tôt,

here he suffered grim death,

er vil rîche übr uns vil armen,

he, most rich, on us, most poor,

daz wir komen ûz der nôt.

that we might escape from woe.

daz in dô des niht verdrôz,

That he was not vexed by this,

dâst ein wunder alze grôz,

this is a miracle all too great,

aller wunder übergnoz.

beyond all other miracles.]

Hinnen vuor der sun ze helle,

Thence the Son rode to hell,

von dem grabe da'r inne lac.

from the grave wherein he lay.

des was ie der vater geselle

For he was an eternal companion to the Father,

und der geist, den nieman mac

and to the Spirit, which no one may

sunder scheiden, êst al ein,

divide: They are all One,

sleht und ebener danne ein zein,

straighter and smoother than an arrow-shaft,

als er Abrahâme erschein.

as He appeared to Abraham.



Do er den tiefel dô geschande

Having humiliated the devil there,

daz nie keiser baz gestreit,

such that no emperor has ever fought better,

dô vuor er her wider ze lande.

he travelled back to this land.

dô huob sich der juden leit:

Then began the Jews' sorrow:



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