Translation of the song Şad Olup Gülmedim artist Altın Gün
Şad Olup Gülmedim
I haven't rejoiced and laughed
Şad olup gülmedim de eller içinde
I haven't rejoiced and laughed among the strangers
Soldu benim gülüm güller içinde
My rose has withered among the roses
Bir bahtı karayım of, kullar içinde
I am an unlucky one, ah, among the people
Gitti benim nazlı yarim gelmedi, gelmedi.
My coy darling has gone and she hasn't come, hasn't come
Bir bahtı karayım of, kullar içinde
I am an unlucky one, ah, among the people
Gitti benim nazlı yarim gelmedi, gelmedi.
My coy darling has gone and she hasn't come, hasn't come
** (Gurbete gideni de gelmez diyorlar
They say that the person who is gone abroad doesn't come back
Akan göz yaşların silmez diyorlar
They say that she doesn't wipe your tears
Sevenler murada of ermez diyorlar
They say that lovers don't attain their desire
Gitti benim nazlı yarim gelmedi
My coy darling has gone and she hasn't come
Sevenler murada of ermez diyorlar
They say lovers don't attain their desire
Gitti benim nazlı yarim gelmedi) **
My coy darling has gone and she hasn't come, hasn't come