Translation of the song Yolcu artist Altın Gün



English translation


Bir anadan dünyaya gelen yolcu

Passenger coming to this world from a mother,

Görünce dünyaya gönül verdin mi

Have you fallen in love with the world upon seeing,

Kimi böyü kim böcek kimi kurt

Some a spider, some a bug, others a wolf,

marak edip heçbirini sordun mu

Have you ever wondered about any,

Bunlar neden nedenini sordun mu

Why all this, have you asked why?

İnsan ölür ama uruhu ölmez

Man dies but not his soul,

Bunca mahlukat var heç biri gülmez

So many creatures but none of them smile,

Cehennem azabı zordur çekilmez

The torture in hell is hard, unbearable

Azap çeken hayvanları gördün mü

Have you seen the animals suffering?

Insandan doganlar insan olurlar

Humans are born from humans;

Hayvandan doganlar hayvan olurlar

Animals born from animals,

Hepiside bu dünyaya gelirler

All of them come to this world

Ana haktır sen bu sirra erdin mi

The mother is God, have you reached this secret?

Vade tekmil olup ömrün dolmadan

Before your time is up and your life is ended,

Emanetçi emaneti almadan

Before the trustee takes the trust back,

Ömrüyün baginin gülü solmadan

Before the rose of your life's garden fades,

Varip bir canana ikrar verdin mi

Have you given your word to a lover,

varip bir cananın kulu oldun mu

Have you been the servant of one?

Garip bülbül gibi feryat ederiz

We shriek like a poor nightingale

Cehalet(cahiller) elinde küskün kederiz

At the hands of ignorance we are sore and in sorrow

Hep yolcuyuz böyle geldik böyle gideriz

Always a passenger, so we came and so we go

Dünya senin vatanin mi yurdun mu?

Is the world your homeland or what?

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