Translation of the song Ea artist Diana Navarro
Ea, ea, ea, ea
Ea, ea, ea, ea
Ea, ea, ea, ea
Ea, ea, ea, ea
Pasarán las horas
The hours will pass by
También los días
The days as well
Y estará mi corazón
And my heart will be
Acordándose de ti
Remembering you
Cerraré los ojos
I will close my eyes
Pa’ no borrarte
As to not erase you (from my mind)
Y guardarme tu sabor
And to keep your taste with me
Solamente para mí
Only for me
Ay… Hasta que tu vuelvas
Ahh… Until you return
Ay… Guardaré mi vida
Ahh… I will keep my life
Ay… Escondida para ti
Ahh… Concealed for you
Ea, ea, ea, ea
Ea, ea, ea, ea
Ea, ea, ea, ea
Ea, ea, ea, ea
Cántame al oído
Sing into my ears
Lo que tú quieras
Whatever you would like
Y te esperaré, mi amor
and I will wait for you, my love
Todo el tiempo que me dieras
All of the time that you give me
Soñaré contigo en la madrugada
I will dream of you at dawn
Y hablaré siempre de ti
and I will always speak of you
Corazón, siempre de ti
My dear1, always of you
Ay… Hasta que tu vuelvas
Ahh… Until you return
Ay… Guardaré mi vida
Ahh… I will keep my life
Ay… Escondida para ti
Ahh… Concealed for you
Ea, ea, ea, ea
Ea, ea, ea, ea
Ea, ea, ea, ea
Ea, ea, ea, ea
Ea, ea, ea, ea
Ea, ea, ea, ea
Ea, ea, ea, ea
Ea, ea, ea, ea
Ea, ea, ea, ea
Ea, ea, ea, ea
Yo soy el mar y tú, la marea
I am the sea and you, the tide
Ea, ea, ea, ea
Ea, ea, ea, ea
Nuestros corazones se balancean
Our hearts sway back and forth
Ea, ea, ea, ea
Ea, ea, ea, ea