Translation of the song Mira lo que te has perdido artist Diana Navarro


Mira lo que te has perdido

English translation

Look all you have lost

Último aviso, que sale el avión

This is the last call, the plane is departing

¡Qué pequeñito te veo!

I see you as if you were very small!

Dobla el pañuelo y guárdatelo

Fold the handkerchief and put it away

Casi ni digas adiós

Say goodbye just barely

Pa' ti mis años de besos y engaños,

For you are my years full of kisses and deception

De culpas y daños

Of guilt and damage

Ah, ah...

Ah, ah...

Pa' ti mi casa, pa' ti mi mordaza

For you is my house, for you is my gag

Y el tiempo que pasa,

And the time that goes by

Sólo para ti

It's all just for you



Ah, ah...

Ah, ah...

Tú para mí

For me, you...

Ah, ah....

Ah, ah....

Tira el diario a la boca del mar

Throw the diary into the sea

Que se lo trague el infierno

Let hell swallow it

Y el calendario de mi soledad

As for the calendar of my loneliness

Quédatelo de recuerdo

Keep it as a memento

Pa' ti mis tardes perdidas de llantos

For you are my lost afternoons full of tears

Heridas y dudas

Wounds and doubts

Ah, ah...

Ah, ah...

Pa' ti velo de gloria, de madre

For you is my veil of glory, of motherhood

De esclava y de novia...

Of slavery and my weeding veil

Sólo para ti

Just for you



Por ser cobarde

Look all you have lost

Mira lo que te has perdido

For being a coward

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