Translation of the song Una Paloma Blanca artist Diana Navarro
Una Paloma Blanca
A White Dove
Una paloma blanca, como la nieve
A white dove, like the snow
como la nieve
Like the snow
tiene el pico de oro
It has a beak of gold
alas de plata
Wings of silver
color de lirio
paloma si vas a bañarte
Dove, if you're going to bathe
vente conmigo.
Come with me
Por candelas los pastores
With candles the shepherds
corren algunas montañas
Go over some mountains
y tú con tus malas acciones
And you with your evil actions
me andas destrozando el alma
Are destroying my soul
como quieres que yo te camele ay
How do you expect me to win you over ay
Por meterme en tu cuarto a deshora
For going into your room at the wrong time
prisionerito me llevan ahora
They're taking me prisoner now
por meterme en tu cuarto a dormir
For going into your room to sleep
prisionerito me llevan a mi
They're taking me prisoner
Caballo careto tordo
Dapple-grey, bald-faced1 horse
sacame de este arenal que me viene persiguiendo
Take me away from this sandy area, the municipal police
la guardia municipal
Are pursuing me
Una paloma blanca, como la nieve
A white dove, like the snow
como la nieve
Like the snow
la otra tarde bajó al río a bañarse
The other evening it went down to the river to bathe
que quieres
What do you want
tiene el pico de oro
It has a beak of gold
alas de plata
Wings of silver
color de lirio
paloma si vas a bañarteeeeee
Dove, if you're going to batheeeeee
venteeeeeeeee conmigoooooooo
Comeeeeeeeee with meeeeeeeee