Translation of the song La Hija del Chocolatero artist Dengue
La Hija del Chocolatero
The Chocolatier's Daughter
Una historia que me vió crecer
A story that saw me grow up
Salía del kiosco y no podía creer
I was coming out of the store and I couldn't believe
El viejo vendía y yo ni lo ví
The old man was selling and I didn't even see him
Había una cosa que me hizo erguir
There was one thing that made me rise
Siempre iba a comprar chocolates
I would always go to buy chocolates
No sé cuantas veces los tiré
I don't know how many times I threw them away
Preví una inundación láctea
I foresaw a milky flood
Salí a la calle y la esperé
I went out to the street and waited for her
Del chocolate pasé a la birra
I went from chocolate to beer
Parlando entre cristales me calentaba
Talking inbetween crystals she turned me on
Tanta lata y carpas armaba
So many cans and tents I set up
Que olvidaba al viejo muy atento
That I forgot about the very attentive old man
De voleo me calzó a lo Diego
With a volley he hit me like Diego
Mientras la pendeja se hacía agua
While the little girl was making herself water
Me miró de lejos y me vio la llave
She looked at me from afar and saw I had the key
Yo estaba en la calle y la esperé
I was on the street and waited for her
Me ví transando como un perro
I saw myself making out like a dog
La ví aullando como una perra
I saw her howling like a bitch
Dale masa, dale masa a la hija del chocolatero
Hit her hard, hit the chocolatier's daughter
I'm fuckin' the hija of chocolatero
I'm fucking the chocolatier's daughter
La corola que me muestra
The corolla that she shows me
Esa flor me calienta
That flower turns me on
La manera en que me llama
The way in which she calls me
Esa cueva me quema, me quema, me quema
That cave burns me, burns me, burns me
Me ví transando como un perro
I saw myself making out like a dog
La ví aullando como una perra
I saw her howling like a bitch
Dale masa, dale masa a la hija del chocolatero
Hit her hard, hit the chocolatier's daughter
I'm fuckin' the hija of chocolatero
I'm fucking the chocolatier's daughter