走 らせたウソなら 消 えない
Even if it's a lie that I ran, it won't disappear,
ただならぬ 理由 など 見 えない
I can't see any extraordinary reason,
言葉 の 端 捕 まえたまま
got caught in the end of the words,
独 りよがり 捨 てきれぬ Weakness
I can't throw away the weakness by myself
人 の 噂 アテにはならない
I don´t want people to gossip about it.
You never know 明日 がもうすぐそばに
You never know, tomorrow's just around the corner.
Keep on, keep on, move on, move on.
Keep on, keep on, move on, move on.
言 わねば「NO」そしたらもう 動 きだす
you have to say NO so it can start moving
止 まらないから Dance, dance, dance.
and it won't stop so dance, dance, dance.
宵越 しの 感情 に 飲 まれ
Concealed, the overnigth emotions
背中 に 張 り 付 いたシーツみたい
look like a sheet clinged on your back.
かき 集 める 程 もない Memories
Memories not enough to gather up,
すがれぬまま 眠 れない Midnight
fade in this sleepless midnight.
振 り 返 るも 時 は 戻 らない
I turn around but time doesn't come back.
I never show 奪 えないもの 抱 え
I never show what you can't take,
Sing on, sing on, beat on, beat on.
sing on, sing on, beat on, beat on.
ああ 言 えばもう こう 言 えばもう きりがない
Oh, if you say this, there's no end to it.
終 わらないまま Dance, dance, dance.
Dance, dance, dance without ending.
やさしいばかりが 能 じゃない
Kindness is not always a good talent,
有 り 体 に 言 ってもしょうもない
to be honest, it's useless.
評価 などかまわず 行 こうじゃない
We shouldn't go without thinking its value,
誰 のために 君 だけに ああ
For who? only to you, ah-ah.
You never know 明日 がもうすぐそばに
You never know, tomorrow's just around the corner.
Keep on, keep on, move on, move on.
Keep on, keep on, move on, move on.
言 わねば「NO」 そしたらもう 動 きだす
you have to say NO so it can start moving
止 まらないから Dance, dance, dance.
and it won't stop so dance, dance, dance.
I never show 奪 えないもの 抱 え
I never show what you can't take,
Sing on, sing on, beat on, beat on.
sing on, sing on, beat on, beat on.
ああ 言 えばもう こう 言 えばもう きりがない
Oh, if you say this, there's no end to it.
終 わらないまま Dance, dance, dance.
Dance, dance, dance without ending.