Translation of the song ZION TOWN artist the band apart
今宵は 蝉時雨 風が 軽やかに
An outburst of cicadas is singing this evening, a slight breeze
町は 風鈴音頭 浮かべる 誰かのこと
floats through the townsfolk and wind chimes
涙は 草舟に 乗せて 流したら
If you shed some tears, take me on board in this boat
遠くで 笛太鼓 踊る 胸の音
My heart vibrates with sound of faraway flutes and drums
夢の中 夢を見て 夢の事 もう全部忘れて
Inside my dreams, I see a forgotten dream
そうこのまま ありのまま
It's as it seems
歩いて行こうぜ ZION TOWN 着の身着のままで
Let's get going to the ZION TOWN as you're dressed
歌っていたいんだ あの歌
I want to sing that song
Let's get going to the ZION TOWN
Let's get going to the ZION TOWN
Let's get going to the ZION TOWN
Let's get going to the ZION TOWN
タバコを 燻らせて 座る 駐車場は
Squatting in a parking lot while smoking a cigarette
何故か 嬉しくて 時に 切なくなる
Somehow be happy sometimes makes me feel bad
鞄には 過去の影 揺れる日々 もう全部預けて
Shake the silhouette of your past in your bag Lean on me day after day entirely
そうこのまま ありのまま
It's as it seems
この目の前に 火を起こしてくれ
Please light a fire in front of my eyes
悪い事しようぜ ZION TOWN お洒落着のままで
Let's do mischievous things ZION TOWN Stay fashionable as you're
破壊したいんだ 愛の歌
I want to disrupt love songs
側にいたいんだ ZION TOWN 気まぐれなままで
I want to stay by your side ZION TOWN Stay capricious as you're
歌っていたんだ あの歌
I want to sing that song
Let's get going to the ZION TOWN
Let's get going to the ZION TOWN
夢の中 夢を見て 夢の事 もう全部忘れて
Inside my dreams, I see a forgotten dream
そうこのまま ありのまま
It's as it seems
歩いて行こうぜ ZION TOWN 着の身着のままで
Let's get going to the ZION TOWN as you're dressed
歌っていたいんだ あの歌
I want to sing that song
悪い事しようぜ ZION TOWN お洒落着のままで
Let's do mischievous things ZION TOWN Stay fashionable as you're
破壊したいんだ 愛の歌
I want to disrupt love songs
側にいたいんだ ZION TOWN 気まぐれなままで
I want to stay by your side ZION TOWN Stay capricious as you're
歌っていたんだ あの歌
I want to sing that song
この目の前に 火を起こしてくれ
Please light a fire in front of my eyes