Translation of the song حالي artist Essam Kamal



English translation

My condition

حالي يا حالي

My condition... Oh my condition

اشكي لمن حالي

I complain to whom, I complain to who I am?!

بعدك يا غالي .. يا غالي

After your absence, my dear, oh my dear

رحت وراح شوق

You're gone, and all your longings are gone with you

قلبي انا المحروق

My heart as well burn

بعدك يا غالي .. يا غالي

After your absence, my dear, oh my dear

اسأل عليك الليل

I ask the night about you

وينه حبيبي وين ؟!

Where is my love are ?!

بعدك انا في ويل

After you, I am lost look like a stranger

وينك يا نور العين

You are my eyes that I see through; you are the light of my path

اسأل عليك الليل

I ask the night about you

وينه حبيبي وين ؟!

Where is my love are ?!

ولا انت قلبك نساني .. نساني

Or your heart has forgotten my love

وين ألقى رد لسؤالي.. سؤالي

Please, I need an answer to my question?!

بعدك حياتي غير

After you, there is no meaning in my life

صمتي بلا تفسير

I always be silence without explained

ليتك تجي وتشوف

I wish you are closer to me

همي ترى للحين

To look on my heart and my soul

بعدك حياتي غير

After you, there is no meaning in my life

صمتي بلا تفسير

I always be silence without explained

منك انا كم أعاني.. أعاني

Because of you, I suffer and pain so much

وين ألقى رد لسؤالي .. سؤالي

How could I recover! Please, I need an answer to my question?!

حالي يا حالي

My condition... Oh my condition

اشكي لمن حالي

I complain to whom, I complain to who I am?!

بعدك يا غالي .. يا غالي

After your absence, my dear, oh my dear

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