Translation of the song Poema do Gato artist António Gedeão
Poema do Gato
Poem of the Cat
Quem há de abrir a porta ao gato
Who will open the door for the cat
quando eu morrer?
when I die?
Sempre que pode
Whenever he can
foge pra rua,
he runs out into the street,
cheira o passeio
sniffs the sidewalk
e volta pra trás,
and he comes back,
mas ao defrontar-se com a porta fechada
but when facingt the closed door
(pobre do gato!)
(poor cat!)
mia com raiva
he meows in a desperate
Deixo-o sofrer
I let him suffer
que o sofrimento tem sua paga,
cause suffering has its rewards,
e ele bem sabe.
and this he knows very well.
Quando abro a porta corre pra mim
When I open the door, he runs towards me
como acorre a mulher aos braços do amante.
just like a woman into the arms of her lover.
Pego-lhe ao colo e acaricio-o
I pick him up and pet him
num gesto lento
with a slow gesture,
do alto da cabeça até ao fim da cauda.
from the top of the head to the tip of the tail.
Ele olha-me e sorri, com os bigodes eróticos,
He looks at me and smiles, with erotic whiskers,
olhos semicerrados, em êxtase,
eyes half-closed in ecstasy,
Repito a festa,
I continue petting him,
do alto da cabeça até ao fim da cauda.
from the top of his head to the tip of his tail.
Ele aperta as maxilas,
He clenches his jaw,
cerra os olhos,
shuts his eyes,
abre as narinas,
flares his nostrils,
e rosna,
and snarls,
rosna, deliquescente,
snarls deliquescent,
hugs me
e adormece.
and fall asleep.
Eu não tenho gato, mas se o tivesse
I do not have a cat, but if I did,
quem lhe abriria a porta quando eu morresse?
who would open the door for him when I died?